Mifare gen2 ring Error

I was trying to clone my shlage key tag to the v1 magic mifare classic 1k gen2 ring from DT and I had the errors in the file attached. I already did the clone for my v2 of the ring which has a gen1 mifare in it with no problems at all.

any support or advice is welcomed.
PM3 MagicMifare 1k gen2 ring.zip (13.7 KB)

usb] pm3 → hf mf chk
[+] loaded 59 keys from hardcoded default array
[=] Start check for keys…
[=] …
[=] time in checkkeys 11 seconds

[=] testing to read key B…

[+] found keys:

[+] -----±----±-------------±–±-------------±—
[+] Sec | Blk | key A |res| key B |res
[+] -----±----±-------------±–±-------------±—
[+] 000 | 003 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 001 | 007 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 002 | 011 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 003 | 015 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 004 | 019 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 005 | 023 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 006 | 027 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 007 | 031 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 008 | 035 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 009 | 039 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 010 | 043 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 011 | 047 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 012 | 051 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 013 | 055 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 014 | 059 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] 015 | 063 | ------------ | 0 | ------------ | 0
[+] -----±----±-------------±–±-------------±—
[+] ( 0:Failed / 1:Success )

were you using gen1 or gen2 commands for you gen2 ring?

Something like

hf mf restore

hf mf wrbl —b 0

did you consider using MCT ?


No android devices in the house so cannot use mct and I originally used gen1 commands but was able to recover it. Then I tried writing a .bin file of my key to the gen2 ring and it hasn’t worked since

Give this a try


@Pilgrimsmaster I came here for a totally different reason, but this has fixed 2 tags that I thought I had killed.




Great post @Concorde