That’s a good sign it is not too deep ( i.e. not likely in the muscle )
Is there any pain?
There doesn’t appear to be any infection.
At this stage, If I were you, I would just leave it
By float up, do you mean, toward the surface, or do you mean toward your preferred green line location?
Until it is encapsulated by your body you may get some movement, and will likely find a natural “hollow” to call its home. Give it some more time to see where it settles.
Where it is, and where you want it to be, it looks like there is enough space to install an xEM or LED ( HF or LF ) there, you won’t want another HF chip implant there though, as it may cause interference.
In my opinion, it looks perfectly fine.
In my R0, I have one in your green line position, In my L0 I have one in the same place as your Black line position and I have no problems with it
Don’t judge the position, by the colour of the line