Multiple manufacturers?


I recently ordered a Proxmark3 Easy with Iceman firmware from Amazon, and noticed it looks different from the Proxmark3 easy offered on DangerousThings. Are there different manufacturers for this device that may have subtle differences? I had read that there were small low-volume manufacturers of the device but I would have imagined they would be identical hardware. Through testing, I am able to see that the device seems like work fully and has no issues with the software. Here is a link to the device that I have purchased:

Geenfc Proxmark3 V3.0 Easy 512M 125 khz/ 134.2 khz/ 13.56 Mhz ID/IC Card Supported

Any information is appreciated, thanks!

Heres some, but not much…

There is a “New” version of the Proxmark3 available.
Called the Proxmark3x

I know @Hamspiced has one, and even designed a 3D printed case for it.

Some images of his here

The Proxmark3 Master is a PM3 + Chameleon combo


The proxmark3 has been open source since day 1, so there are a lot of hardware factories putting out their own versions.

There are controversies though… the rdv4 has not opened their designs even though it’s based on the proxmark3 licensed open source designs… and well, Chinese factories putting out hardware like the Easy and other variants don’t either.

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