Show off your Proxmark3


First, thanks for reading my topic. As you know that Proxmark has many version: easy, rdv2, evo, rdv4 … and s256/s512 flash…
So if you can show off your Proxmark3 and some information about it, maybe some one will ask you about something because we had the same version. Maybe helpful with some people.

I search on the google and there is an easy version with type C port, battery and bluetooth. Anyone can mod bluetooth?

This is mine:

Version: Proxmark3 Easy
Price is about 35$.
Flash: S512
Firmware: Iceman

I have made a case with 3d printing. Update soon

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I have the proxmark 3x.

Bluetooth, battery, and circular antenna with a custom case.


Update my 3d printing case


I splurged and betrayed Amal but only because it wasn’t available on the DT website by getting myself an rdv4. And I love that it’s tiny, almost like a thick stack of cards.

It also lights up my diagnostic cards in a way that makes me uncomfortable :card_diagnostic_dt: as it’s incredibly bright and I fear that the LEDs might not last under these conditions.