Hey everyone, I’ve been lurking around here for about a year. And although owning the xSIID for nearly the entire year, just last month, I got around to injecting it.
(side note: the reason I waited so long to inject was because I was hoping the NeXT2 would be come available as there was consistent murmurs on this forum but never any solid timeline… Now that I’m logging on, I see that amal has “a fourth batch of prototypes” on the way, making me feel like its closer then ever and ill be swapping out my xSIID for for the NeXT2 kinda soon… Something I was trying to avoid. You win some you lose most I guess).
Back to the review. I thought Id make this for any new comers like myself.
This went perfectly, I had made sure to sanitize everything before hand and took all the precautions. I had a friend pinch off my skin while I self injected the needle. One thing that surprised me was just how sharp the needle was, it slid under my skin no problem. The pain was comparable to getting a tattoo, something any of us could probably handle.
I’m glad to say that the second the implant was injected, I was getting perfect readings (IPhone 14 Pro) and a solid bright blue light from the implant. I figured this would go away as the skin started to swell, but I was wrong. I never had any problems with readability or locating my xSIID plus the light was always bright and clear, even during the day I could see it. Really happy about that.
Reading some posts about people having readability issues with the xSIID made me think that there could have been some issues, but its important to keep in mind people are more likely to post about a problem their having, and not when everything went smoothly. Giving a new-comer a skewed perception, hence this review.
I have my xSIID programmed to trigger a shortcut when scanned by my cell phone. The shortcut automatically plays music from “My Radio Station” on Apple Music. Now, I don’t have to dig through my phone in order to pick a song I like, I can just tap my phone to my hand and I get to play whatever the Apple Music algorithm recommends me. I REALLY like that.
There are 4 things I wish I had done a little differently/re-considered with my xSIID install.
- I wish the chip was flipped the other way around. The LED faces towards me, meaning if I want to locate the chip with my phone, or show someone the LED light up, I have to bring my phone to the other side (flipped around from my perspective to scan it).
Unlike the photo below, where the antenna is pointed toward the user so they can scan without having to flip the phone around
This really isn’t a big deal, but took some getting used to. Ill make sure to correct this if I install a next2
Scarring. I do have a tiny little dot of a scar where it was injected. I know it’ll fade in time, but still, I wish it wasn’t there. Oh well.
Some slight discomfort/pain if I try to manipulate it around under my skin too much.
I wish I maybe waited for the Next2 (?)
Very happy with the xSIID and the functionality it provides. If you’re new like me feel free to reach out.