The postman was good to me today
I remember I got my NExT delivered fairly early in the morning. I was going to leave it till later that day to install it but got too excited and just did it.
I’d say from the time I got it in to my hand until the time I got it into my hand, was about 45mins to an hour
That’s awesome, I had to wait three days till I organised someone to stick it in me, it wasn’t fun having patience
Nice, I was lurking about for many months before I did so had read all the does and don’ts etc. so felt comfortable doing it myself.
Did you get someone from the partner map on the DT store website? Or find someone yourself?
If it was the latter, might I ask you to make a note of their details or ask them, if they are willing, to share their info with @amal and the DT team so others can reach out to them if they want someone to help them with their install.
Nothing that professional I’m afraid, one of my ex girlfriends, who’s got a steady hand and often gives injection medication to her horses offered… And then spent a few hours watching of implanting videos (we filmed mine too) (it’ll be my March upload for the YouTube Channel))
She’ll be a professional soon I’m sure, since you’ll probably get the itch and want more
I actually took a VR180 video of myself injecting my own implant to send to a few friends. None of which knew I had even ordered it haha
I considered the possibility of injecting myself, but I decided to put my NeXT in my left hand, and with me being right handed, I couldn’t see how I could pinch the skin and also inject, at the same time… Outside of using a DIY clamp or something
I put it in my right hand, and being right handed, it was a bit of a challenge
Maybe the first VR recording of implantation…
@Aemun setting the bar high!
The framing was terrible to be honest. I’ll probably try it again if, read “when”, I get another implant.
Mine looks OK, but unfortunately had some shadow cross into the frame
Depending what format you recorded to and how much information is in the file, you could balance it.
Perhaps, I’ll see when it comes to editing the video - as I still need to do my peice to camera about how human augmentation for medical purposes isn’t uncommon, since even a filling is technically a form of technology being incorporated into the human body - its just a little more unusual to have an electronic component
While I’m continuing to put my XP points in upgrades, I guess this is going to be the next one - destined for potentially my middle finger.
I’ve also got a read on my NeXT and now it’s set up to forward people to my YouTube Channel via the NFC - although I’m surprised by its immediacy! No pop up, no notification or asking for confirmation, just an immediate opening link to my Channel.
Exactly the functionality I desired
Thanks for the update.
How are you re-sterilising your magnet?
Are you putting it in your offhand finger? so that when you are “charging” your compass needle you have a bit more coordination and less of the stabby standby with the needle / paperclip etc
I’ve got plenty of disinfectant options laying around the house - as useful for disinfectanting water (and chemical fire starting in a few cases).
At the moment I’m thinking of putting it in the middle finger, on my non dominant hand - so it won’t interfere with me using my index finger on my phone and such, and potentially my thumb will be the next location