Hey Everyone.
For those that are not DT Club Members (shame), i posted this there first but i have created a website.
I will still keep my tindie shop open but all new products and items are going to the newly launched:
I have spent a lot of time polishing this up after lots of setbacks (photographer ran off with my money and some stock). But i am open to any and all feedback regarding the site.
I have launched the 13.56mhz Field Generators on it in both versions the normal and coin shape. Although the DT club members pretty much rolled through the normal version i have to order more.
I also have up stickers, patches, etc.
For all DT forum members there is a standing discount code that will apply OVER any running sitewide sales (like black friday hint hint).
Just use the terribly hard to remember code:
at checkout.
I have quite a few new products that will be launching in the coming weeks so keep your eye out on this thread. I wont make new threads and the product announcements will likely get buried but i dont intend on spamming the forum about every little thing.
Thankyou all for your support and encouragement as i have built this and the products i sell through your encouraging messages and overall the amazing knowledge everyone here has provided me with. I apprecaite being a part of this community and im glad @amal created a place we can talk about stabbing ourselves.