I have the newest iteration of my prototype LF Repeater. I just am having the hardest time finding a reliable way to scan it with a nano vna. I have a homemade loop probe i made with Magnet wire but i also have a variety of H-Probes at my disposal. I have adjusted the range, scale, and calibrated every adjustment i cannot seem to find any way to reliably get a read of LF devices.
any help would be appreciated because the group.io forum for Nanovna seems to have no info for me either.
It’s hard to estimate the impedence with the extra bias I have but my issue is I can’t even get a decent reads on a 125k fob enough to be able to start testing the coils
Odd question… have you checked the output of the VNA with an oscilloscope to confirm it’s actually capable and is actually outputting the correct frequency?
Aren’t you? Isn’t that exactly how it detects power draw? It sweeps the frequency with an output signal… right? Attach a probe to your coil and see what you get on the oscope