NARD SAM Expansion Board for Flipper Zero with HID Seos / iCLASS SAM


My client is looking for NARD SAM Expansion Board for Flipper Zero with HID Seos / iCLASS SAM. Is there anyone here who might know someone that’s willing to sell their item.

I have one spare I can sell, shoot me a message

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Where can I dm you?

Mine doesn’t have message section

Ok, Wait one…Well 7 hours ( Sorry )

You are a basic user, not a new user, you SHOULD have the abilty to message people…
Try tapping his profile a second time, it will open up his profile page, and again SHOULD have the message option

If that doesn’t work, @Equipter pops in daily, he will see the @ I just dropped and he should be able to message you.

any issues, just reply to me here and let me know and I’ll dive a bit deeper


Equip I sent you a msg on discord.

Whoever needs a SAM for their nard or whatever else… dm me or email