NCFKill attacks against implants

Very cool !

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Interesting idea from another thread… presenting the NFC Kill device to an NFC reader to kill it… I think it would probably kill a large percentage of HF readers, including some smartphones… anyone willing to try it?

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My first thought here was, can they both be triggered at the exact same time?

There can be only one…

(edit) I totally misread that. I thought you were talking about using an NFC Kill on another NFC Kill

Were going to look to order some in hopefully within the month.

Once they arrive I can :slight_smile:

I’ve got an old phone I could sacrifice tonight. I’ve got a dangerous things reader too, but I’m not as willing to kill that since its what I’m using to check RF shielding at the moment.

I could, however, test anything that is shipped to me. I’ve got a blossoming home lab and some spare time for projects.

Oooo well I know the USB killer works like a charm… :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:
I’d like to see how the NFC killer works.
You think there would be that type of terrorism at defcon?

Not if they want to come back

Just incase you missed @freqyXin post above

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It feels like defcon is more about sneaky intrusions and clandestine interventions over brute force destruction… close, but just not exactly the same.


Still wouldn’t mind an implant that can ruin whatever scans it. I am more or less thinking I would use that if law enforcement, or anyone ever tries to force scan me… (reallll doubtful)

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I would be apart of that Kickstarter lol


I have the ideas! It probably helps I have a limited idea of what stuff really does, so I can spout ridiculous ideas.

But it would be a nice last “F U” to whoever tries to scan me against my will.

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Realistically you could wipe your implants with your phone in a situation like that

Care to tell me how?

Most tag writing apps can erase them as well

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Ah, I wasnt sure if you knew of an app you could just pull up and start swiping your implants.
.I figure if someone has detained me, (not planning on it) I won’t have time to try and rewrite each tage like that.

You will be able to write your own java card applets for VivoKey Apex that will wipe themselves after several attempts using an incorrect pin or passcode… but we prefer to take the pre-tarpit approach where the pre-check delay just goes up for each incorrect guess.


Or a “correct” authorized access pin or passcode and an “incorrect” self destruct pin or passcode




Right, I keep forgetting applets are kind of a game changer in terms of capabilities.