I am in the process of attempting to clone a MiFare 1K Classic key fob. The key fob has very spotty connection, and I wasn’t able to run an hf mf autopwn to get the entire contents of the card.
Long story short, after some work, I was able to get the keys for all 16 sectors. But now, I need to “stitch” these keys together into one unified key file. Then, i Can run hf mf dump -k "mykeys.bin". However, the other .bin files from the autopwn’s that didn’t get all the keys in one go are encrypted or maybe just compressed, and I can’t read them in a nice .json structure.
Does anyone have a template json structure file to create a key file that I can then compress into a .bin?
I will be closing this thread. I solved my own problem.
To future readers who want to know how I did it:
Create a new file called known_keys.dic saved in the ~/pm3/proxmark3/client/dictionaries directory
Fill this file “known_keys.dic” with your keys (assuming you know them all) in any order. You can comment lines with # and put blank lines in as well.
Run a hf mf chk -f known_keys.dic --no-default --dump command. This will use your newly created file to check all the keys. It will skip any other default keys as you should put all your keys in this file. the --dump will write the keys to a keys.bin file.
With the tag you want to clone on the reader, run hf mf dump --keys <your keys.bin file>. This will create a clone of the card in “dump.bin” file.
Put your new key on the reader that will hold the copy.
Run a hf mf restore -f <your dump.bin file> -k <your keys.bin file> and this will clone your card