I want to replace the crank with a little simple electric motor that can bottom out without causing too much torque on the table mechanism… no motor controllers, just a simple DC motor with decent mount and hopefully a hex shaft. The hex shaft is 9.8mm;
3/8" is a common hex power bit size, and is found labeled as such even in the metric world. But for those who insist on metric, that’s 10 mm. Tolerances are loose enough for the two to be interchangeable.
You mean the “minority” 95% of the world as you well know Rosco, ya stirrer.
Um, need I point you toward
3/8ths… what a ridiculous measurement.
let’s break this thing down into 8
but that thing should be separated to 32…
Man, that is some backward shit.
how about making it decimal… oh wait, you did
so 3/8ths is .375 in decimal inches. WTF
Pretty sure it was either Ford or Johnson ( which ever was in the 70s) tried to get you lot using metric, I hope your new president enforces it… maybe not the number one priority to fix, but come on ready, you’ve had ~50 years to adjust
Totally agree. This 31/64" socket didn’t fit. Anybody got a 63/128" laying around? Tablespoons and teaspoons can fuck right off. If we left the tea in that harbor in Boston, we should’ve dumped the spoons too.
I would be fine with the US going full metric. I try to get by with metric only tools. Although, I drive a European car and work on Japanese cars so metric is perfect for those applications. The only area I struggle with is identifying temperatures. I can walk outside and say “It feels about X degrees [Fahrenheit] today”, but I can’t really do the same with Celsius. Just need to get used to it I guess.
Well, you can have one idiot using standard, and 99 others in a room who insist on using metric. There’s no contradiction in terms between being a majority and insisting that the minority step in line.
As of “stirring” anything, unlike some of you who seem bizarrely upset by the use of non-metric units, I have no emotional attachment to metrological things. People who might think I’m yanking their chain really need to latch onto another, less inconsequential issue