Need to know if I can change information writed in NFC pen

Probably this is not the best forum to ask for help, but I hope to be successful. My problem is that I bought 3000 NFC pens, type NXP - Mifare Ultralight with a predefined link, thinking that I could change it according to my needs. But I see that the chip is read-only and I cannot modify the current URL. Is there something that can help me change that URL?

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Could you scan one with an app like NFC Tools and post a picture of the results?


Thank you in advance. Is this picture waht you looking for?
I´m really newbie with NFC things


That’s what I was looking for, thank you!

Were you using NFC Tools already to try to change the link? Or what software were you using? What reader?

Do you have a smartphone you could try?


Yes for both questions. I tried NFC to change link also I tried in my Android using same NFC Tools and NXP TagWriter with same result

Since you have android device might be more useful to use nxp’s taginfo app. That way you can see what read/write state the tag is in, lock bytes (to see if it has been locked) and if password has been changed from default.


Hi, thank you for your answer. I got it

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The one screen you didn’t share is the one we need :slight_smile: I need the full scan screen or use the share icon and export the text file data from the scan.

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jajajjajaja sorry. He we are

04-30-C8-CA-8B-11-90_15-may-24 13-00-04_taginfo_scan.txt (2.3 KB)

sorry it looks like there was a read error getting the memory… please try to read again… hold the tag to the phone until the full scan is completed. That will show me if the lock bits have been tripped or not.

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04-30-C8-CA-8B-11-90_15-may-24 15-14-03_taginfo_scan.txt (2.9 KB)

Your tag is locked and nothing can unlock it. The data is not changable.

Often time you want to lock this data so nobody in the field can change it after they are distributed. I’m the future I suggest writing a short URL service yourself or using a commercial short URL service and redirect people. This way the NFC tags can be securely locked but you can change the resulting landing URL easily enough using a service instead of rewriting the data on deployed tags


Ok, thank you for your help and explanation

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