New chip nfc for payments


Pls,can I show you an nfc card for a specific reason?

Sure, but why do you ask for it on a public chat?

Well, I also just ordered one! Can’t wait to give it a try!

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This is exhilarating. It’s time to get excited.

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ok, ordered one too :see_no_evil:
couldn’t be left behind right :speak_no_evil:

good thing is it arrives allready tomorrow :smiley:


I’m not familiar with Curve. This means you don’t have to replace the implant to set up a new card every 5 years?

If you were to use one of Curve’s own cards, then that’s what it looks like. But if you get one of the contactless accessories from the first post, then it looks like you can keep using it. They just partner with Curve if they don’t support your card directly.

That is correct, and note that the list of supported banks is extremely short and mostly located in northern Europe.
No American banks are supported and Curve is not yet available in the US …

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Not really… curve will issue you a regular card like any other card. It will expire. What makes curve interesting is that you can use an app to quickly change the associated card behind the curve card. It also lets you work with banks / accounts that don’t otherwise have an option for conversion or tokenization.

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And the pay service allows you change the account that get charged after the transaction.

I don’t think it can be used as a “regular” banking account

Correct… it’s a payment aggregator. They collect data on all your purchases and sell that in exchange for their features.


I have just received mine and extracted the PCB + chip, here’s the size of it:

Seems like they only accept Mastercard Debit out of the box, without using Curve.


This is an infineon chip package. A slight amount of modification will be needed to encapsulate but it should work. What is the width of the PCB?


Just about 9mm!
(Oh, I think you were meaning the inner body, not the antenna… I’ll get that next I can)

I’ve set the chip up and tested it in-store, and it’s working great! First use had a little delay as it phoned home, but now it’s just like any other contactless card.

As I did not have any Mastercard Debit cards, I needed to setup and use Curve, which… eaugh. Don’t feel great about giving up my data, but given that I signed all my data away just by participating in cashless society, whatever. It bothers me somewhat that they only have a mobile app.

Anyway. It worked great and you don’t even need to wait for a physical card to finish setup. 10 minutes start to finish.

@amal Dimensions of the inner PCB: 4.6 x 5.7mm


Cash will always be nice in that regard. :money_mouth_face:


Where are are you located?

Curve is not deployed in the US (yet?) And ASTARI told me no American banks support it yet …

Just out of curiosity, what modification do you think would be needed?

Probably some additional material added around the perimeter of the chip

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