New FIDO2 Applet

Just for you, here’s an easier PCSC<->HID bridge to use: Release Alpha 0.0.1 · BryanJacobs/FIDOk · GitHub . Super duper early release.

Download both files if you don’t have /usr/lib/ . Put them in the same directory together. chmod 777 /dev/uhid or similar to let your normal user account create virtual HID devices. Then run with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./library.exe gateway hid.

No Python stuff, which I assume is what gave you trouble before.

By the way, this tool can also manage discoverable credentials directly if you like - see the library.kexe cred subcommands. It can do a lot of other FIDO things too, basically anything you could want.

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bash: ./library.kexe: Permission denied

Not really a Linux guy. :frowning:

Yeah, you need to chmod +x library.kexe to mark it executable after downloading it.

Apparently my distro doesn’t support GLIBC 2.3 or something. Idek… I am too frustrated to deal with this tonight. I just re-enrolled the key on my Google account and it’s working again. I lost another % of storage capacity on my Apex though, I might just wait until the Apex Manager app can manage credentials.

Since the new app is open source, is there any chance that it’ll be available on other Fidesmo wearables anytime soon? I just found one of the old Fidesmo Cards that I thought that I had lost, and was disappointed to find that the FIDO2 applet wasn’t available to install on it

Depending on how old they may not support the applet at all.