New Implant: What steps do I take?

Hey @Appellus

No worries, everyone is new at some point.

You shouldn’t need to use the Furui NFC-PM3 just yet. You can do everything you need on the NFC side with an app. If you need to fetch the UID to give to a system administrator, try TagInfo or NFC Tools. On TagInfo, it will be in the “FULL SCAN” tab under the “Detailed protocol information” heading listed as “ID”. On NFC Tools it will be under “Serial number”. If you have an IPhone (or you really want to use a computer) you can install the NFC Tools desktop version and send commands using your USB reader with that.

For the LF side, what “xEM EM / HID Cloner” do you have (link?). Some of the eBay ones can be tricky.

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