New NFC Implant Toolkit Application

Hello everyone. I wanted to drop some changenotes on a recent update pushed to BioCom, as well as give a sort of timeline and future plan for features to come. I guess I just felt so damn inadequate in my track record for writing update logs as compared to the wonderful @RyuuzakiJulio that I had to start trying.

BioCom R1.5

Some new features:

  • Markdown support is now availible as a data type to choose from when writing records. I added a basic markdown editor toolbar in the edit page that hopefully makes it a bit easier to write some beautiful markdown notes/reminders/whatever.
  • UI cleanup of the “Record Data Type” selector.
  • UI cleanup (Thanks to my wife for the design) and logic rework of the TagInfo page. It’s now actually kind of useful, and looks SO much better. On a related note, if you scan an NFC tag and get “Unknown Tag” as the type on the top of the page, PM me so I can add fingerprinting logic to the app to take care of it:)

Features included in R1.4 that I haven’t mentioned here yet:

  • Complete Encryption/Decryption rework. BioCom now takes full advantage of OpenKeychain’s implementation of the OpenPGP API to encrypt/decrypt all without ever leaving BioCom. This honestly makes a huge difference. If you have a tag with even a remotely large-ish amount of storage available, I recommend you give it a try! It’s definitely the easiest way to keep the data housed on your implants safe from rogue scanners or prying smartphones.

Future Plans:

As I mentioned in a thread somewhere else, my plans for the application’s future includes adding support for reading/writing multiple records on a single tag. I would also love to add VCards as a record data type and maybe even use something similar to the compression logic @anon3825968 used for his vcard script to include images with them. I’d love to reach out to you @anon3825968 when I get ready to include this feature and see if we could reuse some of your logic for this, if you’re down of course.

However, before I attempt the inclusion of any of these features into BioCom, I’m wanting to get the DangerousNFC application at least to the point where it can perform it’s existing functions, just with a refreshed UI and extensibility for future features before I make any additions to this project.

I will actually be making a post in the DangerousNFC 2.0 thread really soon detailing some of the progress I’ve made with it, as well as laying out a rough time frame for when to expect specific progress with the rework.

As a final note, I would still like to get BioCom up on fdroid, but I just have not had the time to look into the process more than enough to be surprised by the fact that in order to upload an app to it, you have to pull request it into their main repo… Kind of odd, but alright. I plan on doing this soon though.