New workplace is annoying

Hmm, things are more complicated than expected.

So I arrived in Finland today, and the first thing I did was swing by the office to get a couple of things I had left there. Trouble is, my “official” Indala badge didn’t work, and neither did the clone I did on the T5577 test card that came with the Proxmark3.

So one of two things have happened:

1/ Somehow the readers outside are deactivated on Saturdays. My boss says he’s a 100% sure they aren’t though.
2/ The mere act of reading an Indala card increments a counter or moves along a list of OTPs, and now my badge is out of sync with the readers at the office because I read it with my Proxmark.

Anybody knows if #2 is a thing in the HID Indala system? Because if it is, I think I can shelve my idea of implanting a clone of the badge…