NExt Implant Recovery

So just over a year ago I had a NExt implant placed in my hand.

I have never been able to read the EM tag but was able to read the 14a tag for a few months and then it stopped.

I went as far as getting an x-ray to ensure that the implant hadn’t moved.

I was recently messing about with antennae on my Proxmark3 RDV4.01. For fun I placed the Tom Harkness ProxLF antenna on and performed an “lf tune” to measure the voltage drop for some different cards I have (as I couldn’t remember which were the better quality cards). The idea occurred to me to look for the implant in my hand using this same method. With the lf I had no joy at all, however with various hf antennae and performing a “hf tune” I get a massive reading (stronger than an access card) where the implant should be in my hand.

Unfortunately I am unable to get any response using the various “hf 14a” commands. Is there anything I can do to try and recover then the 14a part of the implant so I can at least get some usage out of it or is it completely borked and I should eventually have it removed?

Thanks very much in advance


Ignore me. The voltage only drops when the antenna touches skin and that happens anywhere on my body :slight_smile:

Dead implant after all…

A couple of quick questions and statements to get this started.
My initial thoughts are:

  • Migration
  • Damage
  • PM3

could you post those xRays?
Did you inspectvthe xRays to look for any cracks?
Do yiu recall and physical injury/impact to the area?
Have you put on a substantial amount of weight between when it was implanted until now?
Can you feel the implant in position?
Do you have any other implants? (can you read those?)
Have you tried reading it with your Phone?
Do you have any other RF readers? A flipper or access to one?

The PM3 can be frustrating to get initial reads, but once you learn the best orientation, pressure etc. it becomes much easier.

Have you tried these to help you?

Can you post some pics/ video of your pm3 and how you are trying to read you NExT, and if you can draw a line in you skin where the NExT is (if you know)

Any failed xSeries implant is rare, and for a NExT with 2 chips in it, and for both to fail is more rare, However, if you had a crack in it, its possible the LF chip failed first followed by th HF

FYI, this antenna is specifically designed to read only LF xSeries implants, so although it’ll work for other things, thats its specific purpose.

could you post those xRays?

Did you inspectvthe xRays to look for any cracks? not that I could see
Do yiu recall and physical injury/impact to the area? none
Have you put on a substantial amount of weight between when it was implanted until now? No
Can you feel the implant in position? No
Do you have any other implants? (can you read those?) None
Have you tried reading it with your Phone? Yes, an iPhone and an Android
Do you have any other RF readers? A flipper or access to one? Flipper, Chameleon Tiny and usb reader - no luck with any of them

Have you tried these to help you? - I have no and no dice

See how you are trying to read parallel with the antenna, you are more likely to get a read perpendicular to the implant, also try and move much more slowly.

Also to make your forum life easier, This is how you quote

I have tried it from every angle.

Utilising the ‘hw tune’ does not show any drop in voltage irrespective of angle and before trying to read the actual chip.

With my RDV4, I tend to push it quite firmly into my skin, rather than just hovering or sliding around on the surface, have you tried that?

when trying to scan with your flipper, were the lights changing colour at all?

The skin contact is what was providing the voltage drop hence the hovering.
I am unable to read the tag even if I do push it into the skin.

I get nothing from the Flipper at all just the flashing blue led (for NFC).

I think I finally got a read. Just seems to be too deep?

Is the copper trace exposed on the antenna?
Might be a good idea to coat it (tape would work temporary, nail polish works great for more permanent PCB coating)


Have you tried just simple commands

lf search
you should get an EM reply with UID

t5 detect
you shoud get a t5 response

hf search
You should get UID and suggested commands

Rather than cycling through the hf card types for a very short period of time when we know what the card type is I have used multiple ‘hf 14a reader’ and ‘hf 14a cuids -n 500’ to make multiple read attempts of the tag allowing time to slide the antenna around etc.

With this I get the very occasional read.

My conclusion that the the chip is just too deep in my hand…

but only on HF not LF?

I have never had a lf read since it was implanted…

My experience is that the LF component on a working NExT is significantly easier to read than the HF one (overall).

I too share that experience

When I was trying to read the NTAG216 side with an NFC reader app occasionally I’d only get the first 20 or 30 bytes unless I really kept my phone in the right position to read all the bytes while the T5577 side, which only has 3 bytes in my current config, reads instantaneously and with no variations in data consistency.