NExt Implant Recovery

A couple of quick questions and statements to get this started.
My initial thoughts are:

  • Migration
  • Damage
  • PM3

could you post those xRays?
Did you inspectvthe xRays to look for any cracks?
Do yiu recall and physical injury/impact to the area?
Have you put on a substantial amount of weight between when it was implanted until now?
Can you feel the implant in position?
Do you have any other implants? (can you read those?)
Have you tried reading it with your Phone?
Do you have any other RF readers? A flipper or access to one?

The PM3 can be frustrating to get initial reads, but once you learn the best orientation, pressure etc. it becomes much easier.

Have you tried these to help you?

Can you post some pics/ video of your pm3 and how you are trying to read you NExT, and if you can draw a line in you skin where the NExT is (if you know)

Any failed xSeries implant is rare, and for a NExT with 2 chips in it, and for both to fail is more rare, However, if you had a crack in it, its possible the LF chip failed first followed by th HF

FYI, this antenna is specifically designed to read only LF xSeries implants, so although it’ll work for other things, thats its specific purpose.