NFC Chip ISO15693 writing/cloning

Hello Guys,

i need help with the following: (look at attached picture)

I need to create a Tag that is similar to the one in the picture.
It should be the same tag type and technology, serial number can vary but should be the same format.

I really appreciate any help!

I’m sure there are magic iso15693 chips out there you can change the uid of, but we don’t have any.

Thank you for your input.
Like i said it does not have to be a changeable UID. What the UID is does not matter, i just need the exact same format i provided on the picture.

So it should be the same type, technology and from EM, UID can be random.

Only chance to buy them from EM directly or any other ideas?


Oh! Pretty sure the will work for you


That one is from EM Microelectronics? With this exact same format when read:

If yes i will buy it im just confused because in the product description it does not say its from EM Microelectronics

It will not be because the xslx is from nxp.