NFC Contacts, Profile Sharing, and Popl

I believe that if you identify a problem you should try to present a solution. I don’t spend my time in forums and trying to get sales answering questions or pretending to know everything about everything but I know what I know.

I stumbled across this service while doing research and I was like “wow I think I can help him, this is right up my lane.”

Maybe I was wrong? Now that you know more an about my answer why don’t you tell me if my suggestions would work?


Yes, It could work. I will leave it up to others to decide how useful this service is to them.

Thank you for answering questions, I appreciate it.


Hey this has been one of the best interactions I’ve had. Take care, I appreciate your civility.

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So on the face of it, it looks very similar to popl which a few community members here use but with the addition of a QR code which is a great redundancy for people who don’t have NFC enabled/ or and NFC enabled phone.

Although Popl you could buy a custom tag or print your own to it.

Most people here would use the NFC link from their implant to redirect rather than a sticker, but it still looks like a good alternative to Popl for the "same* functionality.

@ChrisCollinsSrDotCom, can you see any other areas where qrpop would be better than Popl

Have you considered getting an implant yourself, you could also use it in your marketing (and you would be able to write it off as a business expense) :man_shrugging:

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Given mention of QRPOP, popl and some other alternatives here I have added links to all of the similar services in a separate wiki thread. Not suggesting any one over another, just collecting options for people. I will also look at adding a “roll your own” post when I get time.

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Having a qrpop is like getting best of ios and Android.

Qrpop is a sharing device while the popl and others are a device that shares your profile with that company.

I don’t a lot of these type of threads so sorry for any ignorance I may have as to the typical community interactions. I will say I like the conversation engagement.

I have considered an implant but I will never get one. I am kinda concerned with the entire microchip in my body kinda thing ya know. I will say it can have some cool up sides.

As for popl which is operating under it’s 2nd name and others alike you have to understand what they offer and carefully consider what makes one better over the other.

I am operating under the mentality of this quote

( “Identity will be the most valuable commodity for citizens in the future, and it will exist primarily online.”

Eric Schmidt, The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business

In order to control my online presence I need flexibility and I need it for the foreseeable and not foreseeable future.

Mycontactapp powers qrpop and together I am able to really control My Internet Contact Address Hub or M.I.C.A.H.

If I do change my tune about getting a chip I would point the url to my M.I.C.A.H.

As for qrpop vs popl and others… there is no comparison.

QRPop has no limits.

Points of mention:

Popl and others are limited as they are built to share the profile from their platform ONLY.

Qrpop points to any url

Popl is not a url shortener

Qrpop currently has 4 urls you can use as a url shortener and shorten down any long url.

You have to have nfc to activate a nfc tag or a popl

Qrpop requires no activation and is easily updated via online dashboard.

Having the qrcode on the face of the nfc tag is simpler than having to carry a card or open the app.

The contact card file available via mycontactapp which powers qrpop imports into all contact apps & is the most flexible on the market.

!!! Popl app is free, you can use qrpop to share your popl url. The paid service in popl is free with qrpop if you want to use it.

Qrpop is like a marine and we know a marine never leaves another marine behind so we want to be able to share with any device. This is why we also have a programmable phone number which you can call or text to get my link of choice. ( social contact card number ) SCCN

Try mine @ 1-630-931-0511

Qrpop is a sharing device and so is your phone. With qrpop no phone is left behind. :laughing:

I am created qrpop because my previous phone had no NFC and no one in my family unit or close circle has nfc or knows how to use it.

I could list so many more benefits to using qrpop and mycontactapp dot net over any nfc tag but this is not the place for it. I would say check out My Internet Contact Address Hub or M.I.C.A.H. at and subscribe to my YouTube.

To understand the answer you have to agree on what is it popl provides. To me they provide a profile and a method to share the profile.

Don’t just listen to a companies marketing but rather look at the facts.

I believe we should all have our own M.I.C.A.H. a personal / business url and forward that to wherever you want. In the event your favorite company is sold or you want off social media then its no problem, you just change the redirect of the web address you own aka your M.I.C.A.H.

Go to Google domains to get your domain for like 12 bucks.

I can’t rely on all these startups who are trying to be purchased for billions.

To me popl and others are selling a completely different product and concept than what I am.

I hope this helps.

Fyi this was the short answer.


Do you want me to share my list? Where can I find what you mentioned?


I’m legit unsure if this is spam or just a tirade against popl…

I bet if @anon3825968 were here he would call you a semi sophisticated bit

Popl also has a qr function, it can even import into your apple wallet so double tapping power brings the qr up at any given time

@Pilgrimsmaster replied with a link, yours is already on there but if you have more options then please feel free.

I am not suggesting any option is better or worse, just listing possibilities for those who are looking for such services.

I am inclined to give the benefit of my doubts to Chris. It is advertising his service, but it is related to the discussion that was happening. He has engaged honestly as to why he feels this is a better option than popl. He is willing to discuss his service, so while it is a sales pitch, it isn’t typical spam.

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First of all I have nothing bad to say about popl or tappy or any company… I only used their name because thats what was used in the thread.
I am only saying what is true period.

Every one on this thread gave input and suggested a solution, it just so happens ( I think ) I am the only one that owns the company behind his or her suggestion.

Hey guys I am a person of conviction and I have noticed that when someone speaks with conviction it can also be seen as sales pitch or an attempt to persuade others.

I think you are all correct to wonder about me but trust me I am not spamming. I am an inventor who has what he believes solves a problem. When I hear or see an opportunity to help I do. I would offer to jump your car and use my jumping cables while at the same tI would tell you why I like them.

If I was the maker of that brand would that be spamming? Should I not offer to help you or tell you why my cables are the best on the market?

Oh I forgot to mention that in that scenario I noticed a burnt and torn cable on the grond next to your car.

I hope you get my point.

If you want me to share my list please tell me where to share it and thanks for adding qrpop.

If anyone has suggestions on how I can help people and not be seen as spam I would love to hear it.

P.s. if this is the conduct of people with chips I may consider getting one because I appreciate everyone’s civility.

Take care

I would love to know what company you created.

There is plenty of room in the sea.

Haha, very thorough and informative.

I personally don’t think it is either.
I think we are getting informed product knowledge straight from the horses mouth.
Some natural confirmation bias of course but it is from somebody passionate and believes in their product.

I asked for the comparison to POPL, and that’s what I got.

I think either product would do what we want, and now we have one more option to choose from…

Anyway, that’s my 2 cents


Fair enough

I don’t have any chips (yet) but I hang around here because of the attitude shown by everyone.

I have a serious hobbyist interest in security including RFID, which is why I ended up here.

As for your introductory post, I have seen more obviously spam posts, and until you replied I was mildly concerned it might be. It was however connected with the topic.

I really appreciate that you took the time to answer honest questions, and engage with us. That took it from possible Spam to man with an alternative solution (whether selling it or not is irrelevant, you have a solution).


Thank you for being so patient to see the truth about my intentions. I’m gonna hang around the site and see what I can learn. Plus I would love to see the various solutions to the original question as I do believe in time more people (not everyone) will want a chip. Thanks all.

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Is it possible to share a vCard or something with the xSIID? Till now no chance with nfc tools and an iPhone

Yes it is. Try formatting the chip as NDEF with TagWriter on an android phone, writing with the iPhone should be possible afterwards.

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