NFC implant works very strangely with my new phone

Just FYI
if you are not already doing ot this way, the best way to read a glass implant is by placing the antenna and implant perpendicular to each other forming a +

Yeah, That’ll be the problem.
It’s an iPhone “issue”

Without going too deep into it, Mifare chips are not NFC compliant. That doesnt mean it doesn’t work, just not for all phones.
iPhones being in that category.

If you want a reliable rick roll, A better implant for that would be an NTAG type implant which are NFC compliant and NDEF capable (Eg. your RickRoll link)

Thats the equivalent of the old DangerousThings xM1.
Which has been replaced by the xMagic in 2 different versions.

Fir you though, I would reccomend an

There are others, but any of those would do what your x3 Elite did, but will work on iPhones also.

If you are up for it, I would highly recommend the FlexNT, perfect for RickRolls and Business Cards

The NExT is the same as the xNT but it also has a Low Frequency chip in it.

Any more questions, Fire away