Nfc inplant moving

Hey i have my inplant since 3 days ago and i have the idea its moving and i get very frustrated from it can that be the case that i can move this in my hand and is it dangerous ??? What if it doesnt attach in this and 3 months is it dangerous if it will be always loose in my hand or doesnt that matter cuz im kinda stressed about this :sweat_smile:

I will move slightly on its own, you’ve not had it in that long.

Leave it heal and try not to move it hit the area against anything. I’ve had mine in over a year now and ity moves ever so slightly, nothing to worry about though.


Make sure you’re taking pre-natal vitamins to help build collagen. The implant will naturally move slightly back towards the injection point, but hopefully if you’re gentle and collagen builds up, it won’t move much more than that.


Yep what the others said :arrow_heading_up:
Plus what Amal says :arrow_down_small:

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My NExT (L0ish) is a traveler. It settled down about 2cm centrally of the injection point.

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And btw i can only scan my next my tag verticaly from up to down is that normal it wont scan sideways 90% of the times

Yeah they can move pretty drastically should settle over weeks/months. Vitamins can help yo build collegen and encapsulated it.

Reading the tag is orientation dependent (flux lines of both antennas intersecting) so its not crazy that you can read it in only one orientation.

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Yea I have never been able to read my implant sideways. I now have muscle memory on where to manipulate my hand to make it right side up for my devices.