Look, we’re all here for the same basic reasons… but the Grinders will understand me first because we’re willing to jump.
On the whole, as biohackers we are a fringe that most people don’t understand. Why should they, really? We implant magnets and id tags and call it progress. They look at this and laugh, and I can’t really blame them. The things in press are, frankly, embarrassing exaggerations - they print things about opening doors with an implant and show some hippie with a magnet tripping a reed switch. The shame is justified.
This brings me to the point. There are AAV vector genomic cassettes that do - in non-human simian models - make an impressive impact (if you don’t know, get back to us when you do). Do we have the means to obtain the AAV vector… well, yes, we actually do. We have a community with the means to use this, but not the will. Bio-ethicists inside and out of our ranks talk about the divide between the haves and have-nots, we fret over requirements from suppliers that the vectors be shipped to labs, we worry about medical expertise without really knowing what expertise is needed.
It’s time to break away. Screw the ethics of it, the entire point of augmentation is to break from human constraints. The “have-nots” - at this time, they are the “choose-nots” who aren’t willing to accept the risk and, honestly, do any of us think that if we do something truly great we can trust the public to use it? These are people who can’t be trusted to vote - we hold the keys pieced together from study after banal study that only hold the ancillary hint at the greatness we could achieve because we are the ones who sifted out that data. We know that medical ethics are fine with impossibly ill proportioned silicone butt implants to alter anatomy in unnatural forms, but hint at making physiology more functional and the medical ethicists recoils at the idea.
The bottom line is we need to cultivate the network of connections we have to nurture those resources. A member of the community with access to a student lab can order things most of us are denied. Any EMT, nurse, veterinarian… even embalmers among us can start an IV infusion. Piece by piece, we have the expertise and clearances to make this happen within the month.
So, I ask you, the biohacking community why are we beholden to the ethicists? We have everything we need, even those like myself who are willing to accept the risk of testing because, we sifted the data - who better to make informed consent - and if it works as promised, we profit in ways ethicists would find aberrant and grotesque, but that we covet.
We need you, the human resources - did you not realize this is a recruitment message?
We move forward by forcing progress to march for us and leave the ethicists and baselines behind…