NTAG424DNA Getting Started

I hope you are going to share :wink:

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Cheers Amal
I have added those to

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Not exactly hidden. But we had that conversation elsewhere already. :wink:

That explains why I got surprised that SUN would work securely without an app pairing. :yum:

Number of Scan times on chips are dicey for implants.
Some of them work that out well, but most of the tags out there do have a max number of scans, then that feature becomes useless when the counter reaches max.
(not sure if this apply to your tag)


Iā€™m always up for questioning/deconstructing stuff! :sweat_smile:

Which brings me back to the use-case question.

As inā€¦ Not counting ā€œIā€™m doing this to learn/exploreā€ā€¦

What would be the use case to display openly an access key at the same time that youā€™re concerned about such keyā€™s security?

Not saying that there arenā€™t use cases, but most often than not we can find a better approach.

I mean, it looks like ā€œI just upgraded my doorā€™s security system to impenetrable! now, let me throw keys out of a parade car!ā€ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nicely done!!! :star_struck:

It can, the spark 2 dose this also. The feature is called SUN. DESFIRE 3 can also do it. It adds it to the url so yes phone support it, itā€™s simply a get parameter thatā€™s added.

(Sorry if this has already been said, the thread is long and I didnā€™t have time to comb through it)


to be clear, the SUN is not really, actually secure. it is a cmac signature on the UID + counter value, but anyone can read the chip multiple times to collect a bunch of SUNs and just feed those to the target system or applicationā€¦ as long as they do so before the legitimate user scans and bumps the counter value on the target above their extracted SUNs, this attack works flawlessly and easy to pull off.

The VivoKey API documented above uses extended protocols and direct commands to ensure authenticity of the chip. The SUN on the Spark 2 was enabled just for anti-caching and some simple feature fun.


My point was not about the chip appending something. It was about me doubting that any secure mechanism would do that.

But @amal already replied to that. :sweat_smile:

Ok, now my world is back to making sense! :grin:

The way Spark 2 uses sun makes sense. Because the really secure stuff does not revolve around SUN.

I think most of the confusion comes from the point where most places where I read about that tag, inclusive of some NXP docs, it gives you the impression/illusion that SUN (Secure Unique NFC) is a feature used by secure applications. (I wonder where that misconcept comes fromā€¦ :thinking:)

@amal cleared it out greatly!


I would guess is is because the uniqueness is secure, thatā€™s why its called Secure Unique NFC not Secure NFC. You can securely tie a URL to a scan, examples would be the NFC tags that security guards like those at I think @anon3825968ā€™s workplace use, it could be used to prevent the guard from cloning the NDEF record and just scaning there copy wherever they are. Just because itā€™s not secure in a way that you find useful doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not secure in other ways.

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Unfortunately, no. Youā€™ll need to read the docs to configure the 424 correctly. We use a similar tag in our Spark 2.

Incorrect. The 424 can indeed do this.

Itā€™s a SUN. CMAC if I remember correctly. So, yes, backend server. Needs AES keys of the chips.

Didnā€™t you see those?

Pretty sure tbh from function names on the 424 that theyā€™re a desfire-lite tbh

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Where pls? The scan api docs didnā€™t load images for me. I just now figured out theyā€™re supposed to be accessible through /docs/v1, there they have images and Iā€™ve never heard about KVS no.

Oh, odd. Thereā€™s images yeah. Weā€™re going to remove those API docs, anyway, and keep PDFs on the developer site.

Edit: Kinda glad I can finally show this off. Itā€™s been a lot of work the past month and further.


Correct. Still itā€™s a misleading name. You can see so by looking at peopleā€™s questions in forums.

Agrree. Yetā€¦

ā€œThis is secureā€ is an absolute statement, therefore implying absolute security.

ā€œThis is more secureā€, or ā€œthis is cloning-safeā€ or etcā€¦ are statements more in line with your affirmation.

Harsh statement there.

A quick look over the very own NXP forums and github will show you that far more people failed to grasp what to do than there are people able to effectively guide them.
That is, for me, a statement that the documentation is utter garbage.
When I read it, I got to agree with @Will: It is really poorly documented.

Just because you are technical, smart and experienced enough to understand that documentation easily, it doesnā€™t make it a good documentation.

Yep. technically it can append stuff to the URL, for the NDEF read.

Still I stand with my statement:

  • the tag cannot add something to the payload of a message in a secure way. This is what ā€œin the way you mentionedā€ is there in my statement, as I understood it.

This is kinda typical of NXP.

It could be that people who arenā€™t well-versed in this sub-industry of smart tags and devices have trouble understanding it. We only see the public failures, not the private successes, of which i can tell you are many. Those may be people who donā€™t frequent Github and their forums. The thing is, if you need help with this stuff, you just ask your NXP contact. Theyā€™ll either answer you directly or get the internal engineers to help. The whole NDA required thing is good because then everyone with documentation access should have a contact to get help from. NXP doesnā€™t make chips for small scale. They make and sell millions of these things.

By this, I meant thereā€™s no ā€œlaymans termsā€. Itā€™s not a great documentation, but the 424 one is a world better than the 413 (to the point where I use the 424 doco to implement 413 features) and the earlier ICODE DNA, by far. If you want to use the NXP range, you need to be prepared to learn.

The SUN is a counter-based CMAC. It signs theā€¦ tag UID and the counter if I remember correctly.

Itā€™s not great security, but they do say that explicitly in the documentation, that you must protect against read-and-store using the counters. Itā€™s up to your threat model, and why the new API of ours doesnā€™t use it. The old one does due to its architecture.

Then nobody can say ā€œthis is secureā€ for anything. Given enough time/money, nothing is secure. Like I said above; the security environment is outlined.

The 424ā€™s primary use case for SUN is end user validation of an item, not end user authentication. Itā€™s for a situation where you donā€™t want an end user to install an app to their phone. Itā€™s so you can buy fancy wine and tap your phone to confirm that yes, it is indeed xyz corps instead of abc corp counterfeiting it. XYZ corp has a server that validates the SUN, which even if ABC captured valid reads from XYZ, those are likely to be marked invalid due to bad counter values. It even has TagTamper, which means once the closure is opened you can have a wire thatā€™s severed. The tag, once scanned, will know forever it was severed even if itā€™s then reconnected.

The wine thing is kinda big in China, so I hear. They (used to) pass cheap domestic wine off as imported Australian stuff.

For a ā€œproperā€ authentication; MAM1 is the actual ā€œsecureā€ option. Iā€™d highly recommend @Will use this if possible. Set your AES keys, enable mutual tag auth for the key you want to use, and use authenticateev2 (in the 424 doco).

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Many private successes can be indirectly measured by number of satisfying answers on forums and github, for instance.

I find it really to believe a really significant number of people have successes while none of them contribute back to the community.

We were only questioning how good was the documentation.

It has nothing to do with how good is the chip. A product can be amazing, and still have a shitty documentation.

It is this mentality which keeps holding us back.

If a product wants people to learn, then they should have better documentation, least they get wrapped in a self contained loop.

The more people can get into tags easily, the more tags become used by everyone, the more the general population gets access to chips, the less ā€œmind control chipā€ theories grow out thereā€¦ the better for all of us.

Just because I can understand complexity doesnā€™t mean I approve of complexity barrier keeping people away. I donā€™t need that snobness in my life, but I do want more people to gain access to tech I want to see developed more and more!

Completely agree. Hence why I go against such marketing statements constantly.

Before I sound too harsh, @fraggersparks, my critique is aimed at NXP, not you. :wink:

While I canā€™t go too into detail, NXP can be frustrating due to the mentioned size. How I said ā€œprivate successesā€? The companies NXP supply are massive. Just so far out of our league weā€™re protozoa. The hobby developer and us are a side effect. We make literally no difference to their bottom line. It means thereā€™s little incentive to improve the doco, to have these things be usable for us. The companies using them have entire R&D teams who will sniff out how it works and write a spec to be implemented. Remember, NXP is the semiconductor spinoff of Phillips. Theyā€™re big fish.


It really sounds like your jumping at fraggersparksā€™ throat, man :laughing:

We get your frustration, weā€™re all on the same team here. No matter how much we want NXP and other big name chip manufacturers to respect the hobbyist market, thatā€™s literally never going to happen. We have to work around their existing structures.

Also, assuming fragger had the bandwidth and desire to ā€œsimplifyā€ the documentation (which may not even be possible) he cannot because heā€™s bound by the NDA with NXP regarding this information. Even if everyone here got an NDA and downloaded the docs and started picking through the minutia, NXP could easily revoke all of our doc access privileges, and we canā€™t have that happen because we need to develop products in the future.


To me, it just appears to be an example of survivorship bias

Another important aspect here is that we canā€™t talk about itā€¦ NXP puts all their ā€œgoodā€ non-public docs under NDA. There simply cannot be a community around it, by design.

Edit: ah @Satur9 already hit on thisā€¦


How simple should it be? How much background should the average person need, and do they need access to the technical side of it?

Ignoring the NDA issue, as you get more secure / more powerful chips, thereā€™s more difficulty making it work / understanding it. Take proper key based security of DesFire EV2 vs the simple password of the NTAG216 vs Crypto1 of Mifare Classic - itā€™s inherently harder, and despite making something ā€˜simpleā€™ / ā€˜well-documentedā€™, it doesnā€™t make it easy to do / understand.

I find the whole NDA thing insane. I mean, who does that?