Multiple safes, might be building a 3rd in the near future
Multiple access systems
Yea I guess a xLED could count too lol,
It’s all good I was just amused by the very one sided percentages
Must mean you don’t have any crappy LF systems to deal with
DT have been out of LF xLED for a while now, I assume you are still in Sweden, so bought from Digiwell or KSEC etc?
Actually, that’s just made me wonder
People normally go for the HF xLED , because of reader availability.
The LF xLED never seemed as popular (to me at least…even though they sold out)
LF xLED would actually be a another good implant for use with Flipper to make it blink…anyway…
Searched my emails and found a xLED 125kHz order from DT in December 2021, also says its a White LED. Still have 5 or 6 implants uninstalled in my case, among them a flexMT that I just haven’t bothered to found a installer for yet.
Probably time for a little BUMP
link to poll at top
Hey All,
I have been having some conversations with people outside the biohacking sphere recently which have highlighted the lack of information about our community and it’s makeup. I want to start making more information about biohackers as a group publicly available, to help get the general public more comfortable with the idea of improving your body through technology.
With that goal in mind, I would appreciate your assistance with this poll. How many implants do you currently have, and how…
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October 11, 2023, 6:38pm
bump bump 3 implants, next, xmagic and apex. love em all
3 implants
Did you update your vote on the Polls?
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How do you like the Samppa magnet? I’m thinking of getting one soon… How strong did you find it?
1 Like
I love it. It can lift many paperclips. Got it in 2018.
I can feel some security gates from 2 meters away.
The TITAN is also amazong for feeling the gates.
I must try, if he can also lift do many paperclips.
October 21, 2023, 7:36pm
thanks for pointing it out
Maybe time for another bumpity bump bump
1 Like
34 at the moment
Jzst saw i swapped the blue und green xLED on the right arm
You can only vote 20
You can only vote 20
Dedicated cyborg problems…
I need to get more implants, you made me feel naked but on the inside.