Number of implants poll

Your Venn diagram is missing an important subsection of the forum: those who want to implant something no matter what it is and then wonder what to do with it (or even what the hell they implanted)
once it’s in.


Hahaha, You are not wrong!!!

Additionally you have the security spooks who don’t care what they use as long as it’s more secure


@dshocker Did you see the magnet poll(s)?

and the polls in the following post


We have had a few new cyborgs recently, might be time for a bump


Link to top post /Poll


chips & beer in novrmber the red xSIID so 24 RFIDs

a few says later: TITAN in my right ringfinger

3rd march RFID chip number 25 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Pretty quiet on the forum over Easter weekend, I thought I might bump a couple of relevant polls

We have had a few new cyborgs recently, might be time for a bump
A few people adding to their implant total so might be time to update


Link to top post /Poll


For now, the only unnatural thing in my body is a single tooth filling (used to be absolutely nothing until a month or 2 ago). No piercings or implants or anything (yet)

Until plutonium is used in implants again, pretty much everything in your body is natural,

Maybe not natural to YOUR body, but it’s naturally occurring…


I just realized I forgot to update my vote after my last install! :scream:. I increased our current average from 3.61 to 3.62! Wahoo!

I figured I’d help Pilgrimsmaster and…



30 DT implants. Actually put in 3x xSEED in one go. My last install, a flexDF2 was the most hardcore, I actually traumatized myself but all is well now. Still have a few uninstalled in my “cool” EMT case.


How bad was it? I’m thinking of getting an Apex as soon as it becomes available but I still need to find an installer for it.

I put it in a very nonstandard location. I now have 5 flex implants and they have varied A LOT when it comes to difficulty, effort and horror. I’m guessing a piercer with experience of flex-implants and optimal location will give much smoother results than my operator of choice.

I’m planning to get it implanted around R3.5 so I think I’ll be ok. I just need to find an experienced installer.

We have had a few new cyborgs recently, might be time for a



Link to top post /Poll

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Israelserbian247 Recent post collective

Just got the NExT installed in R0 last week after a while of lurking and learning about it. It’s been a lot of fun!


Got upgraded today (update: again), this is my current installation:

non disclose area:
flexClass: 1
Titan: 2
xSLX: 3

non disclose area:
flexDF2: 4
xSLX: 5

non disclose area:
Vivokey spark 2: 6
xDF2: 7
xLED: 8
Vivokey spark 1: 9
flexDF2: 10
xSIID Green: 11
flexDF2: 12
flexClass: 13

non disclose area:
xNT: 14
Walletmor: not responding: 15
flexDF2: 16
xLED: 17
Vivokey Spark 2: 18
xSLX: 19
xSIID: 20

non disclose area:
xSIID: 21
xSIID: 22
xSIID: 23
Vivokey APEX: 24
xSLX: 25
NExT: 26
xDF2: 27

non disclose area:
xDF2: 28

non disclose area:
xNT: 29
xBT: 30
xNT: 31
flexDF2: 32
xDF2: 33
xDF2: 34

May have missed one or two.

And yes, I’m seriously running out of installations-sites.

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I had to re read your list a few times, I thought you had 32 and not a single LF

Just 1 LF, rookie number given your HF hoard lol
I find I use LF more, but mileage may vary I guess

edit I guess the xBT also counts

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Actually that xLED I got installed last night seems to be a LF, according to the package (my brain skipped the LF part when I searched my implant case I seems), not sure why I ordered a LF in the first place, only reader I got for LF is the Proxmark. So I got 3 LF then, I think, the NExT LF part, the xBT and this xLED. What are you using your LF implants for?