Thank you! So it is basically about keeping on upgrading.
Lol I updated my answer. Sweet summer child that I was back when I had 7.
Went from 0 to 3 as of yesterday
You didn’t happen to go to pineapple did you?
When I got my 6th put in yesterday by him he mentioned he’d put 3 in someone earlier that day.
Yep that was me lol. Came very close to passing out, but it was totally worth it. Pineapple did a fantastic job.
The obligatory…
Yep, me too. I’ve stopped trying to fight it now and just accept it as part of the process. Damn vasovagal.
I agree! I’d never gone to him before, but since the flexMN I was getting put in is a rather large foreign object, I figured it’d be best to go to who seems to be the top dog in Texas. I was SO impressed by his work. Guy had me all carved up and done in 10 minutes with no blood on me at all!
Congrats on the installs man!
I only had some x series stuff installed, but it was the same story for me. He was quick, accurate, and kept everything pretty much blood-free. I’d 100% go back if I get more implants done.
Congrats to you too!
Up to 23 RFIDs Chips:
a second xBT over my right breast
a second red xLED between the pimkie nad ringfinger in my left hand
Because why not?
Link to top post /Poll
Can’t remember if it was this bump, or a mention on a discord server, but Something reminded me to come and update the result. Had me wondering what percentage of people have gotten more implants since filling this out the first time. My vote change alone upped the average by about 0.25, we could be closer to 4 average by now
I intend to increase that number soon… Why does life get in the way!?
Just one for me, the magnet. Anything else RFID use-case I could think of, I figured could be achieved without an implant. Maybe I’m weird but I don’t really care for sharing URLs via NFC, or storing my number/info and having a phone scan it; and even then it’s faster to just verbally convey that information.
It’s the new stimuli with the magnet which made me want to get it, actual real life integration with a new sensory input
Definitely open to getting more implants, just not super interested in RFID
There are other use cases. For me, sharing stuff with NFC cellphones is a nice added bonus, but it’s hardly why I wear implants. My main use case is locks - i.e. going keyless - and general laziness-enabling devices. And boy! did they transform my life or what. I just wish I trusted their reliability enough to truly leave the keys at home. I don’t use keys anymore, but they’re somewhere in my backpack just in case.
I can see how locks could be useful, my mind jumps to “a ring/wearable could achieve the same result.” Whereas the magnet is pretty useless as a wearable
I suppose there is also the “cool factor”, but …ehhh not good reasoning lol
Everyone’s boat floats different ^___^
Ah yes you’re right. It only does it for me because I can’t stand jewelry. That would be the basic premise that makes implant attractive to me. Well spotted
And I use a ring for precisely that purpose. So far I haven’t had a use case for an implant that can’t be met without… Yet.
@dshocker You just fall into one specific category, you are not alone, this Venn Diagram is fairly representative of this community
You could further break these down, and add some sub-categories…
Maybe I’m weird but I don’t really care for [MYLIST]
So yes, you are correct