Order is on the way!

I agree. I have been in therapy and single for over a year and not done anything with out thinking it through for for that reason. I have done a few impulse buys that I would not have actually done but ended up being a good thing. I have always wanted to program micro controllers, I bought a couple and now im building projects with them and selling them.
But yes I have thought it through. Pros and cons. And its something I have wanted to do since I first heard about it long ago.

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Do to a genetic condition I have anesthetics are metabolized in my body extremely fast. I had a tooth extracted and they filled my job with the numbing and before they could even get started it had already started wearing off so before you even got halfway done I was feeling all of it. I have chronic migraines and have gone to the ER and they will give me 1 mg morphine and that usually only lasts maybe 30 to 45 minutes. I am not expecting it to really least too king or even really work so I only bought one.

Right. I don’t want to tattoo over the implant. I would rather implant under a tattoo. Safer that way.

Congrats!! And Welcome!

Gonna save you the sermon, and the hint I had @JennyMcLane already brought up. :wink:

So… you mentioned micro controllers…?
Already got any plans? Or just the thrill for it for now? :slight_smile:

also, I totally get you there:

The fiddling of the needle to try and numb you ends up being more of an annoyance than worth the little numbed time we get out of it… :confused:

Actually yes, one of the reasons for finally getting my implants. I am going to be building first a door lock. I will also be linking it to an OS I am working on for my PinePhone, have to add NFC to it first, so that it will boot but will not decrypt and open with out it. Those are just the first couple that I have come up with so far.


I have literally just posted a reply about PinePhone here.

They are just about to launch a decent NFC case for it.

Currently I use a Sony FeLiCa reader with an adapter since ACR122U readers don’t work well with it due to the additional controller module the ACRs have that implements an USB-CCID interface, designed to communicate with PCs… that doesn’t play ball with Nfcpy.

I’m sure you’ll come out with many more use cases!
But those two sound like a great start to me! :wink:

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combining a 3d printer micro controllers and cybernetics I can rule the world!! HAHAHAHAHA.

ok well maybe not but i can have lots of fun!

I saw that they are working on a couple of cases for it. I got my community edition and have been playing around with it a lot.

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this is my keyboard.
has a 3D printed extension with a bunch of USB slots into a micro controller that allows me to swap between using my Desktop or any laptop I plug in. :wink:

Not my finest work, but serves it’s purpose really well!

Hell yeah!! I have not thought about using one to make a KVM switch.

I do have a NodeMCU sitting around here somewhere that is set to run as a standalone webserver with an SD card on it

Guess what arrived today!?!?!?! :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:


A very large shipment of frozen haddock? :slight_smile:

Yep. And excited to play with them. LOL


Congrats on your frozen haddock!! :partying_face:

Keep us posted!!

Done and done. Both went and placed fine.
It was as I feared though, elma had 0 effect on me at all.

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That was quick :slight_smile:

My ex wife use to tell me the same thing.


Did them myself here at home. Knew my medical experience I’ve had would be useful for something one day. Lol

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Which bit? “Congrats” or “That was quick”? :slight_smile:

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Both, the congrats for the once a year I was able go get her to finally gave in and the later for the 30-45 minutes later. Yes she would literally time it and complain that that is never enough time for anyone. Even her friends just stIred at her even time age brought it up. Sooooo my red flags. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

were both needle installs?

how you feeling now?