I want to purchase a product from Dangerous Things, but I need to ship it to my address. The shipping cost is very high, so I’m considering using an alternative courier service. I would like to know the following details about the package you send to complete my purchase.
I need to know the length, height, width, and weight of the package. Could you provide this information in either the metric or imperial system?
Which product? different products may come in different packaging
Let’s wait for @tac0s to confirm, but my guess would be a “standard” size box.
The dimensions of which, should be pretty close to:
190mm x140mm x35mm
The weight is a pure guess:
Whilst we have @tac0s , It might be worth asking if there maybe a FlexSLX on a shelf somewhere.
I’m not sure what you want it for, but where possible, I would always reccomended a Flex over an xSeries.
There is nothing wrong with the xSeries, you’ll just get better range with a Flex.
What I would also suggest you consider, would be an RSP from DT or from Midwest Gadgets
The amount the store estimates for international shipping is approximate. If you hit the help button in the website, give us an address, and what you want to order, we can give you an accurate estimate. I’ll get back with the dimensions later today, hopefully.
@MrDetan, size is confirmed.
~.25 kilos
damn it, I was out by ~50g
your answer is:
190mm x140mm x35mm
Dearest American friends,
Your imperial unit conversion to follow (thanks to Amals freedom calculator)
I was out by close to:
Ten eagle feathers
A stack of 24 regular playing cards
240 red fire ants
Twelve average-sized cherry tomatoes
Six shiny petticoat buttons
I base my measurements in units relative to the 1999 box office hit The Matrix DVD