Partners map not working on website


I am hoping this issue isn’t just happening with me. I am interested in getting some implants done. I am currently researching everything. I know there use to be a body piercer near me who could do the implant. However, when I went to the page where you can look at partners on a map, I did not see any markers appear. Can somebody check to make sure the map is update to date? Or if it is just me? If something is wrong, is there a list of partners I can look at? Thank you for any assistance.

I can’t see markers :frowning: (google Chrome, firefox, opera)
Where are you located?

I am located in the Nashville, Tennessee area

are you on Facebook? ( RFID Implantees Group)
I’m from Austria, so I know only some partners from Germany and England.

I am not part of that group on Facebook. Do they have a list there?

you can join the group.
I don’t know, if there is a list here

Sorry guys! A little mis-hap with the site update. The map is working now!

also the facebook group is

Hi Smurd9,

The partner map is now working, it came back up about 5 minutes ago, please let us know if the problems persist.

My best,



Thank you all for your advice and quick turn around. I now see the person I need on the map! Thank you!

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