Paying with an implant

But then again I’m pissed off so if you would have bothered to read this;

Half way down and I quote

When it comes to alternative point of sale payment technologies, PayPal is making an effort to plant itself into the payment terminals of various stores, and solutions like Venmo are proposing an “out of band” payment solution which allows customers to pay vendors through a mobile app. In this case, there was a lot of “buzz” (pun!) generated when a Buzzfeed reporter implanted an xNT chip to make payments using Venmo. While it is very interesting, it was a complete hack job that required participation from a former Venmo engineer and the vendor, wherein the end result was a completely insecure method to prove it could be done. The reporter’s Venmo wallet key had to be given to the vendor to make the transfer. Therefor the wallet key had to be stored insecurely on the xNT, and the solution would never work in the real world because everyone you did business with would have a copy of your wallet key. Still, it’s very interesting. Until Venmo or PayPal or other payment stakeholders become interested in implant technology, these solutions will be edge cases and proofs of concept only.