Payment Conversion - Advice needed

hey all!
i missed this place.

i’ve been thinking of getting a payment implant, and i have a bunch of questions regarding Payment Conversion.

my plan so far:

  1. bunq (Netherlands) as my main bank
  2. Curve card connected to my bunq card
  3. LAKS PAY Key2Pay MINI connected to my Curve card (tokenized! self-provisioned!)
  4. get LAKS PAY converted into a 27*17*0.5 mm implant via Payment Conversion

risk estimation:

  • if bunq dies, i just attach a different card to Curve
  • if Curve dies… there are no other banks to connect to LAKS PAY in NL, but more partners might appear over time, or i can use a supported card from a different country
  • if LAKS PAY dies, well, i’m fucked

seems like a nice non-expiring solution to me with relatively low risks!


  • am i missing anything? is there anything wrong with my plan?
  • are there any better options than LAKS PAY that support Curve and don’t expire as well? say, with smaller dimensions and/or better antenna range (after converted)
  • would P4 be ok? i’d love to use P5, but i saw @amal advise against this location + i already have a long-dead custom payment implant (a 38*11*2 mm rigid pcb) in there that i’m too lazy to take out xD

thanks a lot, chat :smile:


long tome, no see,
great to have you back

Personally, that’s where I would reccomend

Yeah, unfortunately, P5 is better in theory rather than in practice

Great work with the Flipper by the way


Wish i could reccomend curve. but seeing as i cant get through the registration process i cannot.

Curve EU is still alive and kicking no prob… it’s just Curve US that is having an issue launching.

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i got my LAKS PAY wearable, provisioned it with Curve, and am planning to test this setup with my usual merchants.

it seems to look different from what i see on the Payment Conversion info page.

it looks like a rigid pcb with a chip, a cap, and two empty footprints.
the whole thing is laminated.

the dimensions:
25.16 mm - length
15.17 mm - width
1.64 mm - thickness with the cap next to the chip (thickest part)
1.52 mm - thickness with the chip
0.95 mm - thickness of the PCB

limited info i got about the chip:
ISO 7816, Infineon Technologies

top, bottom and side photos

hey @amal!

  • have you had any experience with stuff like this?
  • do you think it’s worth sending this one to you, or am i out of luck?
  • can i get any more useful info for you? i don’t have an android phone, so i can’t run taginfo, but if there are any specific values you’d be interested in, i’ll try get those with the tools i have
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all i could get with my phone is that it’s ISO7816 Infineon Technologies.
updated the post above with this info.

from what i see, i think the best approach would be to just encapsulate this thing as is. the range seems to be pretty nice! should work great even when encapsulated and implanted.

my only concern is the thickness and rigidness.

i don’t know how much thickness encapsulation would add, but let’s say the result would be around 26x16x2 mm, rigid.
this is shorter, same thickness and only 5 mm wider than the PCB i have in P5 now, so i think it would be pretty comfortable there. but i’ve heard implants break there??

for P4 i’m not sure if such a thick rigid thing would be nice. it would probably protrude and make my hand look meh :<

Laks has changed to these and I’ve not had a chance to look at one yet.

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Make sure you test the spending limits thoroughly… My experience with the LAKS Pay and Curve in Denmark was that after just a few transactions it would ask for the original card to be inserted into the terminal…