Phones that support MiFare NFC?

Does anybody have a good resource/list of phone’s that can read Mifare NFC?

I did some googling snd it seems only phones made with NXP NFC controllers can, but I cannot find any list of what phones these are,

I am trying to narrow down if Im going to get the NeXT or the xMagic.

I may be completely wrong about the whole NXP thing, if I am please let me know, always eager to learn!

Mifare is not NFC compliant, it’s a pseudo type promoted by NXP. The reason Mifare is not NFC compliant is because NXP requires a license to read Mifare memory sectors. Because of this, only phones with NXP reader chips inside can read Mifare classic memory sectors, and therefor only phones with NXP reader chips can use/read/write Mifare NFC formatted tags.

At the moment there is no list of phones that have NXP reader chips inside because this is not typically published information in manufacturer released phone specs.


Forgive me if I misunderstand,

So does this mean any non NXP-licensed devices can read non-mifare memory sectors?


When talking about phones reading NFC transponders, it means RFID transponders that conform to the NFC Forum standards for Type 1 through Type 5 tags, all of which can be read by all phones.

Mifare is not NFC compliant. It is not an NFC tag. However, NXP is a huge company and they created a “special” NFC type called Type Mifare. Only phones with an NXP reader chip inside will have the required license (built into the reader chip) to read Mifare memory sectors and therefore be able to process the “Type Mifare” NFC data on a Mifare transponder. Phones without an NXP reader chip inside will not be able to even read the memory of a Mifare transponder.



I have ordered a the assorted cards and a Proxmark to start testing and help decide which implant to get.

Appreciate your help @amal!

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What are you actually trying to do?

I’m going to dumb down what Amal said above with a generalization.

Most phones with NFC should be able to read Mifare Classic (xMagic)
(We can talk about NDEF later)

NTAG216 (NExT) will be able to be read by any phone with NFC.

So really, it comes down to what you want to use your implant for.

More dumb dumb:
NExT - Share links, business card etc.
xMagic - Changable UID for locks etc (but can also Share links, business card etc except iPhone)

Both great first implants.

We can help more, if you let us know your use case


The main thing I wanted to do was share links/data via NFC to most phones.

If the xMagic supports that, I would prefer it as it seems most NFC/HF locks use Mifare and I would like to have the versatility to expand into that later.

I do also plan to also use this as a way of unlocking my PC with the KBR1 as it only reads the UID so data could be anything else. (If I understand correctly)

Thank you for your help so far @Pilgrimsmaster !


Yeah, so there’s your conundrum.

The NExT is probably your better option for that purpose.

I have one of each to cover both cases.

Each one in my P0 Left and Right.

If you can afford it, I would suggest you get both.
3 reasons for this.

  1. When you get one install you MIGHT get the the 2nd install for cheaper
  2. All the healing done in one go
  3. IF you are eligible for free shipping with the NExT, it will include the xMagic if purchased at the same time.

If not, Go for the NExT first and get the xMagic later.


Getting the NExT first and the xMagic later was my plan, I would like to do both in one go, but I wasn’t sure if that was the best plan with me being new to the space.

I was also going to do them just like you in the P0 of boths hands.


I highly recommend this. I have a NExT in both P0 spots and really wish I had saved one for the xMagic, which I am now hoping to install on R4 next weekend.


Ive seen some videos but how hard is it get them removed if it causes problems?

Do i need to go to a Dr. and have them cut it out? I feel like that would be an expensive bill :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

That would be my only concern with getting two, the difficulty of removal if something goes wrong.


The implants, especially the x series, are tough. There are videos of some of the stress testing that has been done on them. The chance ofthem breaking or failing is virtually nil.

As to needing a doctor, I would imagine it would depend on where they are located and how deep. I think there have been a few members, for one reason or another, have self removed some.

I remember @Saturn I think implanting one, tattooing over it, nuking the tattoo and then removing it to see if he managed to damage it. He didn’t.


And I am sure Pilgrim will be along momentarily to give you the link to that experiement. I looked and can’t find it, but than I am still mostly human, not AI.


Hey @TSMC55, thanks for your help!

I did some more research and found things I didn’t previously find and it looks like my GP can do the removal if needed.

Im waiting on a call back from my place of choice to see the pricing on doing one or two implants, depending on that, we’ll see if I do both.

Thank you!


Some links for you


Thank you for the link! They were super informative!