Pixel 3xl implant question

So I’m new to the forum and I was doing some searching and couldn’t find any info on which implant would possibly interact best with my pixel 3xl? I don’t know if things have changed since the pixel 2 and j just wanted to confirm this? I have a lot of heavy body modifications already but tbh I’m horrible at tech stuff. I love the idea of getting one of these implants as I already got a magnet years ago and I love it but I really want to make sure I get the right chip to play around with. I’m researching and in the beginning stages. Any help would be appreciated!

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If you plan to read it with your phone, you would need an NFC compatible implant such as the xNT or flexNT.

I can confirm the xM1 does work on the pixel 3 but only with the MIFARE Classic Tool

I didn’t mention the xM1 as it’s no longer available.