Positioning Advice | From 0 to 4 implants

You guys are tripping over exactly the same issue dangerous things has in general and that I’ve been struggling with for some time.

I actually have an idea that I’m developing which is basically a navigable set of videos. Each video segment is like a section of a choose your own adventure story and you can choose which video plays next based on choices. For example, the first video might be a very quick 30 second introduction about how rfid is all around us already (fobs, cards, etc.) and how it’s batteryless and can’t be used to track or locate in real time… then present some options like 1) do you already have an RFID device you want to use an implant with? 2) do you want to be able to share information with smart phones? 3) do you want to build your own solutions like a custom RFID door lock or car ignition project? 4) are you an advanced user that wants to explore PGP or Fido or Java card applications?

Basically something like that. They can watch the video and choose which direction they want to go in and just keep drilling down that way.

The wiki format has one value and that is that the community can directly modify a set of documents. It’s not a thread style like the forum, so I do see some value there.

I will try to get the docs plug in installed later tonight so we can play with it and see what value it could bring… But I think solving the question of how to handle newcomers is going to require something more novel, and I hope my video choose your own adventure approach will be well suited to the task. Any suggestions are welcome.