Post-Healing Pains and Symmetrical Sensitivities

I’m wondering if anyone else experiences these. This is out of curiosity, not concern, and maybe this thread could come in handy for others in the future.

1: Post-Healing Pains

Once in a while, around or “on” either of my implants, the first of which was installed in my left arm over a year ago, and the second in my right hand in P4 maybe two months ago or so, I will occasionally get random throbs or tingles, with no rhyme or reason.
This will last for 1-10 seconds normally and is barely enough to get my attention. Obviously I only have experience from these two instances, but it seems to happen less over time, but hasn’t stopped yet. I get these once or twice a day in my newer implant, and maybe once or twice a week in my more mature arm implant.
My hypothesis for this, is that the pain is resulting from one or both of the following; Nerves regrowing and mild, occasional damage/stretching of my flesh encapsulations.

Anyone else?

2: Symmetrical Sensitivities

Due to their proximity to bone in both instances, almost but not quite up against it, both of my implants are just a little sensitive to direct pressure that pushes them towards their respective partner bones. I avoid this pressure when possible, or move my hand/arm away when I notice it.
Now on my left hand and my right arm, where the implants would be if I were mirrored, I have gained a sort of sensitivity similar to if there were an implant there. My left hand around P4 pushes on a table a little too forcefully, I reactively move it.
Additionally, in these mirrored locations, my brain almost views them as empty, as if instead of having just gained a new body part in each limb, I almost also have the feeling of something being missing in the mirrored location.

Damn I must sound crazy, but anyone else?

Again, this is out of curiosity, not concern. If anything I feel it is a worthy excuse to get more implants :wink:

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My glassies are not symmetrical, in my left hand, i have a spark 2 in p3. I have had multiple times where I felt a very weak sharp pain in my right hand despite there being nothing there.


I definitely got the tingles and the little odd feelings the first few implants I had. Particularly my left and right P0 implants… it happened for years but eventually quieted down.

Strangely I didn’t notice anything for any of the additional implants I got much later. For years I was rocking just the two.

I think the hypothesis is correct… nerves are regrowing and tissue is readjusting and encapsulating and that causes some strange sensations.

For the sensitivity, I think this might be psychosomatic as you are focused on the sensations. I think this is also the reason that I no longer feel the tingles or weird sensations with any of my implants - it’s super old news to my brain and I am effectively ignoring any sensations that might bubble up… filtered out like noise before hitting my consciousness. I still feel it of course if I jam my arm into something and a flex implant is forced pretty far out of position, stretching the tissue and putting a lot of pressure on the edge of the flex… but the little tingles and whatnot are a thing of the past, even for relatively recent implants.


I have an xG3 right up against my thumb metacarpal. If I press and roll it on the bone I feel nothing at all but the idea of doing it is a bit uncomfortable.

I definitely had tingles for a few months on the large flexes and the occasional throb. Not so much with xseries after a few days.

i get a dull ache in the in the back of my hand where my flex is once in a blue moon, my xseries i forget its there. its been 2 and 4 years respectively

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Psychosomatic… Duck duck go…

  1. Of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes.
  2. Relating to or concerned with the influence of the mind on the body, and the body on the mind, especially with respect to disease.
  3. Pertaining to both the mind and the body.

^The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

I suppose this could make sense, there is no ‘real’ reason I should have sensitivity in the mirrored locations. Thanks for the new word :slight_smile:

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Perhaps the definition is somewhat harsh. I simply meant it’s an effect created in the mind not necessarily due to actual input from nerves on the other side of your body :slight_smile:


I didn’t take any offense, if that was a concern! It made a lot of sense actually and I was excited by the new word haha.

It is quite odd, that our brains can lie to us like this, though one could argue the fleshy form we have acquired over [large number] years of evolution against our will is odd on its own.

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I knew someone who basically gave themselves multiple sclerosis… to the point they were having trouble walking… the doc ordered an MRI and when it came back clean, the symptoms suddenly disappeared. It was all psychosomatic… every single symptom. They were going through a lot of stress at the time and we’re convinced they had it.

When people talk about mind over matter, this is what they are talking about… the ability of the mind to change not the reality of the situation but the perception of it. That said, perceptions change behavior and decisions, which do have a physical effect… so careful with your brain and how you let it think :slight_smile:


Phantom limbs are the most common example I think.
I something get sensing tingles in fingers where I don’t have magnets and it takes a second to realize they’re not the right ones