Professional Partners in Los Angeles

I recently purchased one of the X-series chips because I was under the impression that there was a professional partner in Los Angeles under the name “Monkeys to Go” who could help me with the installation process, but after buying the chip I found out that it seems they have permanently closed as of a few weeks ago. Does anyone here know anyone else in the area who could help me out? Thanks.

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Ryan Barden is the one listed on the partner map and I have him do my installs. Can’t say enough good things about him. Shoot me a dm and I’ll see if he’s good with me passing his info along.


That would be incredibly helpful, thank you! I can’t really figure out how to DM, sorry. Could you message me?

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Check your inbox. His contact info is there. :mechanical_arm:


Ah that’s a bummer about Monkeys to Go closing. I had my Apex flex done there