Proxmark available in Las Vegas?

All, I purchased an xEM and would like to clone an existing badge to it. However I REALLY don’t want to shell out something I will probably only use once or twice. Is there someone in the Las Vegas area, or coming to the Las Vegas area, who for a fee would do the Proxmark work? I’m happy to pay, meet on your terms etc.

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I will be in Vegas during Blackhat and Defcon beginning of augustus.
I will take my proxmark3 easy with me and hopefully my brand new v4.0 (if I get it one on-time).



I’ll be in Vegas from the 8th-12th staying at the flamingo for defcon and I’ll have my proxmark with me as well. Let me know if you still need someone to help you out.


Thank you BOTH! I may have a line on a local one, and will let you know how it pans out.

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So a guy loaned me his ProxMark 3 and I believe that I have successfully cloned my badge to it. lf search on my hand shows the HID. But as I am very new to this, I have a question. People on the forums are indicating that these can be accidentally locked. Is this the case? How do i check for that?

They can be password protected by cloners, or they can be “bricked”. Check this;

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I read the article before the question. I was asking more nuts and bolts. To find out if this is the case. What commands would I use? For the Proxmark 3 easy. Any help is appreciated, I realize this takes someone’s time and I am happy to do ate if necessary.

Update, lf t55xx p1detect says: T55xx chip found! So I know its reading it at least. However lf t55xx wipe:
Error occurred, device did not ACK write operation. for all BLKs. I know technically this isn’t the Proxmark support, but after posting there, I get nothing.

The xEM out of the blue stopped reading. Wasn’t trying anything, just swiped my hand at our DataCenter, then nothing. So I had it dug out, got a new one sitting in front of me and will have it implanted as soon as my hand heals. We can delete this entire thread if you want.

Thank You All Very Very MUCH! I’m still very green and all the help has been appreciated!

This is extremely odd… have you had a chance to test it with the proxmark at all?

I have, and it shows absolutely nothing. I made sure to do a hw tune, place it perpendicular across the coils and still nothing. lf search, returns no tags found. I have tested the new implant as well as multiple other tags and they all read fine on the ProxMark. By no means am I even competent, let alone an expert, so I’m not even theorizing what happened.But, I’m guessing it was my fault. If you want I can ship the bad one back to you. Just let me know.

This is actually exactly what I came here looking for since I knew Defcon would be my best chance. Can I piggyback off this request and have someone with a ProxMark try to unlock my implant for me? Its the xEM tag

I put my implant in about 2 years ago and have been pretty frustrated since I have yet to be able to use it. You can see my old thread here: Chip was locked when I installed it..No help from DT!

Mike: While I understand your plight, why didn’t you just have it dug out, and a new one put in? While that may seem extreme to some, it’s better than a chip you can’t use. This site is called Dangerous things, there are always chances of these things happening.

However, as I understand your plight, could I request some more information? At this time, does your implant respond at all?