What are the commands you most frequently have to look up and always forget?
im putting together a list of super common Proxmark commands that may be helpful as part of the silkscreening of a project. I figured this would be the most helpful bit of information to have available. Would like to separate HF/LF
Cheat sheets aren’t great because the commands are always in flux, particularly when Iceman and contributors are trying to create a common schema. Most people don’t realize that almost every separate command in the modern branches is made by a different contributor. It really wasn’t until Iceman started to try to consolidate efforts to mold the parameters and outputs into a cohesive and consistent format.
Granted, a lot of the classic well used commands are fairly smoothed and polished at this point and not likely to change… But with the proxmark3 client the best thing is to understand how to explore the Iceman branch firmware. For example, almost all commands have been updated to return at least some kind of consistent help output to explain parameters. At each command element you should be able to now explore a command schema by drilling down element by element… so you want to explore LF commands, start with ? and see all the top level commands… of which LF is one. So now try lf and see what LF commands exist… you see search as an option so you try lf search and see it tried to identify an LF chip on the reader.
This understanding of how to explore the proxmark command hierarchy is probably more important than having an express cheat sheet.
That said, a cheat sheet could be nice to see what commands people use which you might not even be aware of. That’s what I find interesting about cheat sheets anyway.
Feel free to remove this post if this site is not supposed to be public knowledge, but I usually refer people to this site to play around with the pm3 client and learn even before they get a Proxmark3: https://siliconbased.us/pm3/ref/help.php