January 5, 2023, 9:18am
I have faced some problems when connecting my Proxmark easy to my MacBook
I followed this tutorial:
For the flashes, it doesn’t seem to work and it just says:
[=] You can cancel this operation by pressing the
pm3 button
When I pressed it, it doesn’t terminate and I think it got stuck.
There seems to be a problem with the connection
I have no idea if this will work, but worth a try
I have had tons of problems getting various Easy models to load rrg properly… it honestly takes a slog of different variations to get it working… I have two different Easy models both with 512k and both required slightly different approaches… one of these approaches tend to work;
hold button down, power up, keep holding, run pm3-flash-bootrom, once finished, let go of button but let it flash lights and do whatever the heck it wants to do, see if com port comes back eventually, if com port app…
January 5, 2023, 9:42am
Thx, it fixed the problem with flashing, but the pm3 command still doesn’t work.
awesome, snd a step in the right direction
can you share a screenshot of the error and a few of the preceeding commands?
That is a bloody great thread that one.
@identity did a great job with it.
I should have referenced that one, thanks @Locutus
and off to the How the Fuck are Ya thread for me