Proxmark3 cloning HF issue

when the access card clone HF mifare card, it shows ‘unexpected argument error’ just after the ‘hf mf csetuid command’ when i tries to clone the HF mifare card, what it can be the reason? please help me to rectify the issue.
i will wait for your kind reply and support.


Two issues I see right now:

That appears to be a xerox tag, not a mifare tag, so HF mf commands won’t work

And, your csetuid command is missing the flags, try hf mf csetuid --help for more info on that command if you’re interested. Though that command won’t work with this tag

For this particular tag though you would need the hf xerox commands

I don’t know if this card can be easily cloned though

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Fucken great tool @Aoxhwjfoavdlhsvfpzha

Game Changer :star_struck: