Proxmark3 Easy on Windows - fullimage.elf missing - Help!

Bootrom.elf is created but fullimage.elf is missing…where is the error…I am posting the log.

pm3 ~/proxmark3$ make clean && make -j8 all

Version info:      Iceman/master/v4.16191-109-g02a801f66
Platform name:     Proxmark3 generic target
PLATFORM_FPGA:     xc2s30
Platform extras:   No extra selected
Standalone mode:   LF_SAMYRUN
[*] MAKE client/clean
Version info:      Iceman/master/v4.16191-109-g02a801f66
Client platform:   MINGW64_NT-10.0-19045
GUI support:       QT5 found, enabled (Qt version 5.15.2 in C:/working/ProxSpace/msys2/mingw64/lib)
native BT support: Bluez not found, disabled
Jansson library:   system library found
Lua library:       system library not found, using local library
Python3 library:   Python3 v3.9 found, enabled
Readline library:  enabled
Whereami library:  system library not found, using local library
Lua SWIG:          wrapper found
Python SWIG:       wrapper found
compiler version:  cc.exe (Rev5, Built by MSYS2 project) 10.3.0
PLATFORM MINGW64_NT-10.0-19045
[*] MAKE bootrom/clean
[*] MAKE fpga_compress/clean
[*] MAKE armsrc/clean
[*] MAKE recovery/clean
[*] MAKE mfkey/clean
[*] MAKE nonce2key/clean
[*] MAKE mf_nonce_brute/clean
[*] MAKE mfd_aes_brute/clean

Version info:      Iceman/master/v4.16191-109-g02a801f66
Platform name:     Proxmark3 generic target
PLATFORM_FPGA:     xc2s30
Platform extras:   No extra selected
Standalone mode:   LF_SAMYRUN
[*] MAKE client/all
[*] MAKE bootrom/all
[*] MAKE fpga_compress/all
[*] MAKE mfkey/all
[*] MAKE nonce2key/all
[*] MAKE mf_nonce_brute/all
[*] MAKE mfd_aes_brute/all
[-] CC fpga_compress.c
[-] CC ../../common/lz4/lz4hc.c
[-] CC ../../common/lz4/lz4.c
[-] CC mfkey32.c
[-] CC nonce2key.c
[-] CC mf_nonce_brute.c
[-] CC ../../common/crapto1/crypto1.c[-] CC ../../common/crapto1/crypto1.c

[-] CC ../../common/crapto1/crypto1.c
compiler version:  arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe (GCC) 10.1.0
[=] GEN version_pm3.c
[-] CC ram-reset.s
[-] CC brute_key.c
[-] CC util_posix.c
[-] CC ../../common/crapto1/crapto1.c
[-] CC randoms.c
[-] CC ../../common/bucketsort.c
[-] CC flash-reset.s
[-] CC ../common_arm/usb_cdc.c
[-] CC ../common_arm/clocks.c
[-] CC ../../common/crapto1/crapto1.c
[-] CC bootrom.c
[-] CC ../../common/crapto1/crapto1.c
Version info:      Iceman/master/v4.16191-109-g02a801f66
[-] CC ../../common/bucketsort.c
Client platform:   MINGW64_NT-10.0-19045
[-] CC mfd_aes_brute.c
[-] CC version_pm3.c
[-] CC ../../common/bucketsort.c
GUI support:       QT5 found, enabled (Qt version 5.15.2 in C:/working/ProxSpace/msys2/mingw64/lib)
native BT support: Bluez not found, disabled
Jansson library:   system library found
Lua library:       system library not found, using local library
Python3 library:   Python3 v3.9 found, enabled
Readline library:  enabled
Whereami library:  system library not found, using local library
[=] LD obj/bootrom.elfLua SWIG:          wrapper found

Python SWIG:       wrapper found
[-] CC mfd_multi_brute.c
compiler version:  cc.exe (Rev5, Built by MSYS2 project) 10.3.0
[=] GEN obj/bootrom.s19
[-] CC mfkey32v2.c
[=] CXX nonce2key
[-] CC mfkey64.c
[-] CC src/mifare/aiddesfire.c
[-] CC src/aidsearch.c
[=] CXX mfkey32
mfd_aes_brute.c: In function 'print_time':
mfd_aes_brute.c:143:34: error: unknown conversion type character 's' in format [-Werror=format=]
  143 |     strftime(res, sizeof(res), "%s ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')", &lt);
      |                                  ^
[-] CC iso14443crc.c
[-] CC sleep.c
cc1.exe: all warnings being treated as errors
make[1]: *** [../../ obj/mfd_aes_brute.o] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:159: mfd_aes_brute/all] Error 2
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[-] CC src/atrs.c
[-] CC util_posix.c
[-] CC mf_trace_brute.c
[=] CXX mfkey32v2
[-] CC src/cmdanalyse.c
[=] CXX mfkey64
[-] CC src/cmdcrc.c
[-] CC src/cmddata.c
[-] CC src/cmdflashmem.c
[-] CC src/cmdflashmemspiffs.c
[=] CXX mf_nonce_brute
[-] CC src/cmdhf.c
[=] CXX mf_trace_brute
[-] CC src/cmdhf14a.c
[-] CC src/cmdhf14b.c
[=] CXX fpga_compress
[-] CC src/cmdhf15.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfcryptorf.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfepa.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfemrtd.c
[-] CC src/cmdhffelica.c
[-] CC src/cmdhffido.c
[-] CC src/cmdhffudan.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfgallagher.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfksx6924.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfcipurse.c
[-] CC src/cmdhficlass.c
[-] CC src/cmdhflegic.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfjooki.c
[-] CC src/cmdhflist.c
[-] CC src/cmdhflto.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfmf.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfmfdes.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfmfhard.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfmfu.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfmfp.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfntag424.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfseos.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfst.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfst25ta.c
[-] CC src/cmdhftesla.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfthinfilm.c
[-] CC src/cmdhftopaz.c
[-] CC src/cmdhftexkom.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfwaveshare.c
[-] CC src/cmdhfxerox.c
[-] CC src/cmdhw.c
[-] CC src/cmdlf.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfawid.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfcotag.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfdestron.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfem.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfem410x.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfem4x05.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfem4x50.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfem4x70.c
[-] CC src/cmdlffdxb.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfguard.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfgallagher.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfhid.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfhitag.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfidteck.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfindala.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfio.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfjablotron.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfkeri.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfmotorola.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfnedap.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfnexwatch.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfnoralsy.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfpac.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfparadox.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfpcf7931.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfpresco.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfpyramid.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfsecurakey.c
[-] CC src/cmdlft55xx.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfti.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfviking.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfvisa2000.c
[-] CC src/cmdlfzx8211.c
[-] CC src/cmdmain.c
[-] CC src/cmdnfc.c
[-] CC src/cmdparser.c
[-] CC src/cmdpiv.c
[-] CC src/cmdscript.c
[-] CC src/cmdsmartcard.c
[-] CC src/cmdtrace.c
[-] CC src/cmdusart.c
[-] CC src/cmdwiegand.c
[-] CC src/comms.c
[-] CC src/crypto/asn1dump.c
[-] CC src/crypto/asn1utils.c
[-] CC src/crypto/libpcrypto.c
[-] CC src/emv/cmdemv.c
[-] CC src/emv/crypto.c
[-] CC src/emv/crypto_polarssl.c
[-] CC src/emv/dol.c
[-] CC src/emv/emv_pk.c
[-] CC src/emv/emv_pki.c
[-] CC src/emv/emv_pki_priv.c
[-] CC src/emv/emv_roca.c
[-] CC src/emv/emv_tags.c
[-] CC src/emv/emvcore.c
[-] CC src/emv/emvjson.c
[-] CC src/emv/tlv.c
[-] CC src/emv/test/crypto_test.c
[-] CC src/emv/test/cryptotest.c
[-] CC src/emv/test/cda_test.c
[-] CC src/emv/test/dda_test.c
[-] CC src/emv/test/sda_test.c
[-] CC src/fido/additional_ca.c
[-] CC src/fido/cose.c
[-] CC src/fido/cbortools.c
[-] CC src/fido/fidocore.c
[-] CC src/ksx6924/ksx6924core.c
[-] CC src/cipurse/cipursecore.c
[-] CC src/cipurse/cipursecrypto.c
[-] CC src/cipurse/cipursetest.c
[-] CC src/fileutils.c
[-] CC src/flash.c
[-] CC ../common/generator.c
[-] CC src/graph.c
[-] CC src/jansson_path.c
[-] CC src/iso7816/apduinfo.c
[-] CC src/iso7816/iso7816core.c
[-] CC src/loclass/cipher.c
[-] CC src/loclass/cipherutils.c
[-] CC src/loclass/elite_crack.c
[-] CC src/loclass/ikeys.c
[-] CC src/mifare/lrpcrypto.c
[-] CC src/mifare/desfirecrypto.c
[-] CC src/mifare/desfirecore.c
[-] CC src/mifare/desfiresecurechan.c
[-] CC src/mifare/desfiretest.c
[-] CC src/mifare/gallaghercore.c
[-] CC src/mifare/mad.c
[-] CC src/mifare/mfkey.c
[-] CC src/mifare/mifare4.c
[-] CC src/mifare/mifaredefault.c
[-] CC src/mifare/mifarehost.c
[-] CC src/nfc/ndef.c
[-] CC src/pm3.c
[-] CC src/pm3_binlib.c
[-] CC src/pm3_bitlib.c
[-] CC src/preferences.c
[-] CC src/pm3line.c
[-] CC src/proxmark3.c
[-] CC src/scandir.c
[-] CC src/uart/uart_posix.c
[-] CC src/uart/uart_win32.c
[-] CC src/scripting.c
[-] CC src/ui.c
[-] CC src/util.c
[=] GEN src/version_pm3.c
[-] CC src/wiegand_formats.c
[-] CC src/wiegand_formatutils.c
[-] CC ../common/bucketsort.c
[-] CC ../common/cardhelper.c
[-] CC ../common/crapto1/crapto1.c
[-] CC ../common/crapto1/crypto1.c
[-] CC ../common/crc.c
[-] CC ../common/crc16.c
[-] CC ../common/crc32.c
[-] CC ../common/crc64.c
[-] CC ../common/commonutil.c
[-] CC ../common/iso15693tools.c
[-] CC ../common/legic_prng.c
[-] CC ../common/lfdemod.c
[-] CC ../common/util_posix.c
[-] CC src/pm3_luawrap.c
[-] CC src/pm3_pywrap.c
[-] UIC src/ui/ui_overlays.h
[-] UIC src/ui/ui_image.h
[-] CXX src/proxguiqt.cpp
[-] MOC src/proxguiqt.moc.cpp
[*] MAKE deps/amiitool/libamiibo.a
[*] MAKE deps/cliparser/libcliparser.a
[*] MAKE deps/hardnested/libhardnested.a
[*] MAKE deps/liblua/liblua.a for mingw
[-] CC amiibo.c
[-] CC drbg.c
PLATFORM MINGW64_NT-10.0-19045
[-] CC argtable3.c
[-] CC cliparser.c
[*] MAKE obj/libmbedtls.a
[*] MAKE deps/reveng/libreveng.a
[-] CC keygen.c
[*] MAKE deps/tinycbor/tinycbor.a
[-] CC(NOSIMD) hardnested_bf_core.c
[-] CC(NOSIMD) hardnested_bitarray_core.c
[=] AR libamiibo.a
[-] CC aes.c
[-] CC asn1parse.c
[-] CC bmpbit.c
[=] TEST bmptst
[*] MAKE deps/whereami/libwhereami.a
[-] CC(MMX) hardnested_bf_core.c
[=] GEN lualibs/pm3_cmd.lua
[-] CC lapi.c
[-] CC lcode.c
[-] CC bmpbit.c
[-] CC cli.c
[-] CC cborencoder.c
[-] CC cborencoder_close_container_checked.c
[-] CC(MMX) hardnested_bitarray_core.c
[-] CC whereami.c
[-] CC model.c
[-] CC asn1write.c
[-] CC cborerrorstrings.c
[-] CC(SSE2) hardnested_bf_core.c
[-] CC poly.c
[-] CC lctype.c
[-] CC cborparser.c
[-] CC base64.c
[-] CC preset.c
[-] CC(SSE2) hardnested_bitarray_core.c
[=] AR libcliparser.a
[-] CC cborparser_dup_string.c
[=] AR libwhereami.a
[=] GEN lualibs/mfc_default_keys.lua
[-] CC bignum.c
[-] CC cborpretty.c
[-] CC src/version_pm3.c
[-] CC ctr_drbg.c
[-] CC ldebug.c
[-] CC cbortojson.c
[-] CC(AVX) hardnested_bf_core.c
[-] CC entropy_poll.c
[-] CC cborvalidation.c
[-] CC ldo.c
[-] CC(AVX) hardnested_bitarray_core.c
[-] CC reveng.c
[-] CC entropy.c
[-] CXX src/proxgui.cpp
[-] CC ldump.c
[=] AR tinycbor.a
[-] CC(AVX2) hardnested_bf_core.c
[-] CXX src/proxguiqt.moc.cpp
[-] CC error.c
[-] CC lfunc.c
[-] CC(AVX2) hardnested_bitarray_core.c
[=] AR libreveng.a
[-] CC lgc.c
[-] CC ecp.c
[-] CC llex.c
[-] CC(AVX512) hardnested_bf_core.c
[-] CC ecp_curves.c
[-] CC certs.c
[-] CC camellia.c
[-] CC(AVX512) hardnested_bitarray_core.c
[-] CC blowfish.c
[-] CC lmem.c
[-] CC cipher_wrap.c
[-] CC cipher.c
[-] CC cmac.c
[-] CC hardnested_bruteforce.c
[-] CC lobject.c
[-] CC des.c
[-] CC lopcodes.c
[-] CC ecdsa.c
[-] CC md.c
[-] CC lparser.c
[-] CC md5.c
[-] CC oid.c
[-] CC lstate.c
[-] CC pem.c
[-] CC arc4.c
[-] CC pk.c
[-] CC pk_wrap.c
[-] CC pkwrite.c
[-] CC pkcs5.c
[=] AR libhardnested.a
[-] CC pkcs12.c
[-] CC lstring.c
[-] CC ltable.c
[-] CC pkparse.c
[-] CC platform.c
[-] CC platform_util.c
[-] CC rsa.c
[-] CC ltm.c
[-] CC lundump.c
[-] CC rsa_internal.c
[-] CC sha1.c
[-] CC sha256.c
[-] CC lvm.c
[-] CC sha512.c
[-] CC threading.c
[-] CC lzio.c
[-] CC lauxlib.c
[-] CC x509.c
[-] CC lbaselib.c
[-] CC x509_crl.c
[-] CC x509_crt.c
[-] CC lbitlib.c
[-] CC lcorolib.c
[-] CC ldblib.c
[-] CC liolib.c
[-] CC lmathlib.c
[-] CC loslib.c
[-] CC lstrlib.c
[-] CC ltablib.c
[-] CC loadlib.c
[-] CC linit.c
[=] AR libmbedtls.a
[=] AR liblua.a
[=] CXX proxmark3
pm3 ~/proxmark3$ ./pm3-flash-all
[=] Session log C:\working\ProxSpace\pm3/.proxmark3/logs/log_20230224.txt
[+] loaded from JSON file C:\working\ProxSpace\pm3/.proxmark3/preferences.json
[-] Error - can't find `fullimage.elf`
[!!] Aborted on error

[=] Have a nice day!

pm3 ~/proxmark3$
[=] Session log C:\working\ProxSpace\pm3/.proxmark3/logs/log_20230225.txt
[+] loaded from JSON file C:\working\ProxSpace\pm3/.proxmark3/preferences.json
[=] Using UART port COM3
[=] Communicating with PM3 over USB-CDC

  8888888b.  888b     d888  .d8888b.
  888   Y88b 8888b   d8888 d88P  Y88b
  888    888 88888b.d88888      .d88P
  888   d88P 888Y88888P888     8888"
  8888888P"  888 Y888P 888      "Y8b.
  888        888  Y8P  888 888    888
  888        888   "   888 Y88b  d88P
  888        888       888  "Y8888P"    [  ]

  [ Proxmark3 RFID instrument ]

    MCU....... AT91SAM7S512 Rev B
    Memory.... 512 Kb ( 60% used )

    Client.... Iceman/master/v4.16191-110-g93d7d4677 2023-02-25 04:53:10
    Bootrom... Iceman/master/v4.16191-110-g93d7d4677 2023-02-25 04:51:54
    OS........ Iceman/master/v4.16191-110-g93d7d4677 2023-02-25 04:52:16
    Target.... PM3 GENERIC

[usb] pm3 -->

Problem solved in new build. Thanks