Proxmark3 scripts - lua, python

paxton_clone.lua (18.1 KB)
The script automates the copying of Paxton fobs read - write.
It also allows manual input of data for blocks 4-7.
The third option is reading data stored in the log file and create new fob.
Additionally, the script calculates the ID for downgrading Paxton to EM4102.

t55_chk.lua (4.9 KB)
A simple script for searching the password for T5577. The script creates a
dictionary starting from the entered starting year to the entered ending year.
There are two search methods - DDMMYYYY or YYYYMMDD. Checking the entire year
takes about 1 minute and 50 seconds. Date from 1900 to 2100. The script may be
useful if the password is for example a date of birth. (4.6 KB)
Convert Paxton Net2 and Switch2 to EM4102 (3.0 KB) - Convert Paxton Switch2 to EM4102 (3.4 KB) - Convert Paxton Net2 to EM4102

lf_electra.lua (11.0 KB)
Cloning new ELECTRA tags or EM410x to T5577 tag. This script changes
block 0. Additional data is written to block 3 and 4. The last
ELECTRA ID can be accessed through the option β€œ-c”. For copy
directly from the original ELECTRA tag to T5577 is option β€œ-e”. For copy
from input EM4102 ID to T5577 is option β€œ-s”. Another option is cloning simple EM4102 to T5577.


All are included in the repo: GitHub - RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3: Iceman Fork - Proxmark3


t55_fix.lua (3.3 KB)

This simple script first checks if a password has been set for the T5577.
It uses the dictionary t55xx_default_pwds.dic for this purpose. If a password
is found, it uses the wipe command to erase the T5577. Then the reanimation
procedure is applied. If the password is not found or doesn’t exist the script
only performs the reanimation procedure. The script revives 99% of blocked tags.