Receiving implant order

Hi @Devin, not sure where you are in the world, but the DT distribution centre is in Seattle, WA, USA.

Unofficial answer :arrow_down_small:
Covid times are crazy times, and due to that, currently there is a one “SuperWoman” image working in the distribution centre, but I expect you would still have it within a week-ish.

Normally the process would be something like this

I have cut and paste from where I have answered this before

Haha, I could link you to a whole bunch of other threads asking the same question, But I get itDaffy

How long does it take to get a parcel from Seattle to wherever you live… there is your answer.

Process, something like this.
You will have received an order receipt
next will be an invoice
followed shortly after by a tracking number
then a knock on your door

Then if you haven’t asked questions before then, you will likely ask some questions ( This is not a bad thing), especially BEFORE you stabby stabby :syringe:

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