Reed relays for trick capacitive buttons?

Well, mainly the inability to get pass an MRI scan. That’s totally unacceptable to me.

In close second, the inability to work in a workshop with iron fillings and iron powder all over the place. I work metal at least twice a week, and I do NOT want my finger attracting that stuff to my skin, or magnetizing my tools or my workpiece. Totally unacceptable also.

And then there’s the danger when manipulating magnetic-sensitive things. Believe it or not, where I work, we still back stuff up on DAT tapes. I have to change the tapes 3 times a week. I also regularly have to dig out old files on diskettes and bernoullis. I would be a real liability for my company. Not to mention wiping hard drives, messing up CRTs (getting rare those though) and whatever else I haven’t thought about yet.

Too many downsides for me, sadly.

Of course, if the Titan had an on/off switch, I might reconsider. Stretch goal Amal? :slight_smile:

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