Replacement LF Antenna for the Proxmark

We had enough folks reach out about replacement LF antennas for the PM3 that we’re now selling them. They come with board as well as the standoffs and screws.

Side note: If anyone has had their LF board fail/break/whatever, we’d love to hear more :slight_smile:


Me too!!!

Whilst mine doesn’t get a whole lot of use, it used to live in my backpack for years until I replaced it with a Flipper, but it got tossed around.over that time.

Then it mainly got used when somebody on the forum needed help, and on occasion when I needed something, Then Aox’s super helpful Proxmark/reference meant, I rarely needed to pull out my PM3 unless I had something the Flipper couldnt do, or doing some testing.
So not a lot of use, but also, not nothing…

All that to say what the fuck are people doing with them?


omg lol

Funny story. The LF board on my work proxmark was taken off to snag a photo to order the LF boards. I threw it back on and didn’t think about it. Tried to use it today–no joy. Got out the meter and got no continuity from the traces–moved up to the coil’s solder joints and still nothing. Swap in a new board and it’s all good again. :man_shrugging:

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Please anything but that !

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Hey! that doesnt count as “implant”!




If it requires someone to cut it out then it’s an implant :grin:

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The oxford dictionary would disagree

insert or fix (tissue or an artificial object) in a person’s body.

The next time you stab somebody, you really just implanted a knife.

Sorry @Tac0s


So yeah, If you break your PM3’s LF antenna, DangerousThings sell replacements.