Reprogramming master fob on xAC

Compgeek you friggin’ genius, you just saved my xAC.

I had bought it quite some time ago (directly from DT if I remember) but never used it. I pulled it out this morning to try something out, connected it, tried to program a new tag with the round master tag in the snuff box and… Nothing. Nada. Zilch. But one of the two spare plastic tags was already programmed in for some reason. Maybe it was used and repackaged.

Anyhow, I followed your brilliant video and within 3 minutes, I was back in business.

Thanks again dude!


Glad you got it revived mate, I’m all for sharing the knowledge!

Old thread but maybe still on topic? You may or may not recall my Harbor freight safe mod I did a while ago, one day my reader stopped working long story short I thought the reader was just done come to find out due to your thread here that it was just fine it just decided to make my implant the master, so I tried using the info from above but for some reason I just cant get it to reset back to the original fob. I didnt have a 10 k resistor but i do have 2 5k so I connected them up in series and tried to duplicate what you had in your video about 30 min later I still could not get it to reset. Any thoughts on what I might be missing?

Definitely on topic! The resistor i used was actually in parallel, not in series, connected to the reader side (not the PSU side that i keep disconnecting)

It’s not even needed, I’ve since done it just with the wires ignoring the resistor, but it makes it a touch faster. The reason for the resistor isn’t to limit current going in, it’s to discharge any capacitors inside the xAC a bit faster so it turns off sooner, the goal was to make the power as unreliable as possible to increase the chances of getting into the glitch state again.

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

I could have said it incorrectly i am not very technical with what little knowledge i have. So what i did was this.

Power Supply > 12V
Positive xAC Red and left side of resistor 1 twisted together right side of resistor 1 twisted with left side of resistor 2 right side of resistor 2 twisted with xAC Black.
Then turned on the power and repeatedly tapped the negative from the power supply onto the xAC black wire. With the Fob in read range of the reader. The red light did flash but it never got to the point where it switched the master.

Ah my mistake, i misinterpreted what you’d written, but I see what you mean!

Sadly in that case the only suggestion I have is to sit back with a good movie on the couch and settle in for a long night. I was able to consistently get it in under 10 mins, making every effort i could to get poor contact to make the reboots as random as possible - but sounds like you’re doing everything right so yours just might be a bit more resilient.

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Alrighty i will keep trying :smiley: thanks.

So I finally got the patience to sit down and try this again. Connected 9V Positive to red and started tapping the negative to the black and started watching a video. About 2 min later i look down and the light stopped flashing. I was able to reprogram my implant to the device. Whoot thanks for all your help.


Replicatable :white_check_mark:
Repeatable :white_check_mark:
Reliable :x:

But who cares, a crazy but workable solution.

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Glad you got it! It’s a bit of a pain (especially that it happens in the first place) but it’s good that we can get them back into service. They are otherwise pretty cool units

Definitely. I ordered one of the new units going to play with that when it gets in :smiley: