Short range but wide area antenna design?

Well, after almost a month of waiting, I finally got the thing in the mail and installed it at my desk at work. I have to say, it’s pretty awesome. It locks the session as soon as I get out of my chair, and wakes up the screensaver as soon as I come back, without fail. I don’t even need my overly-complicated screensaver killer trick no more.

It’s a very old product though: the configuration utility doesn’t know anything beyond Windows 2000. But it still works fine, so no problem there.

I still need to present my hand to the reader to log in, but at least Windows is all woken up and waiting for me to do so, so I don’t have to do wake it up manually. Now if only my piercer would reopen his parlor so I can get that transponder implanted in my rear-end. Damn virus…